You seriously couldn't show this to normies because they wouldn't believe something like this could be real.
That's something I'm struggling with. The true history of all this sounds so over the top cartoon villain writing you can't convince libs who don't know hwo the world works of it, nor can you possibly make it make sense to them because there's so much deep history.
This is why I struggled so hard to overcome the libbrained programming I was entrenched in. I couldn't fathom that the reality of the US and our history was so sinister.
It was scary to admit it to myself. On the other hand, once the dam broke it was gone for good.
Libs exist on the idea that there is an order and absolute state to the world, that a conflict is a "both sides" situation in which absolute monsters cannot, or very rarely exist. The truth however is that a state that has been drenched and fermented within a popular culture of ethnic superiority that dehumanizes enemies of the state very readily become monsters when the call is made.
Nazis deserved the pit and similarly so to do all who maintained the very fascist infrastructure of the IDF and it's continued genocide.
My initial response is disbelief because it's exactly the sort of shit the CIA makes up about third world countries.
They aren’t making anything up, just changing Proper Nouns in the playbook
For real, like how does someone talk about the Israelis protesting a few months ago for their soldiers to be allowed toremoved prisoners. There's no way to bring that up in a real world conversation and not sound like you're inventing a new form of blood libel against Israeli Jews.
I've defaulted to thinking of the most depraved shit ever. Usualy the truth isn't that far off, or even worse and the bar gets lower. Like Israel, the US, UK, and Saudis were behind the entire ISIS thing. Lined entire villages of men up and one by one sliced open their throat and kicked them into a mass grave pit as they bleed out gaging for air while their hands are zip tied.
Ever wonder why ISIS never attacked Pissreal. And Iran fought vicoisly against ISIS, but Iran is the villian? Israel assassinates anyone who actually tried to make a peace deal.
Then you find out 20, 50 years later - yeah we did that. Like backing the Nazis and Banderites in
and when you tell people about it they reject it and call you a Putin puppet even when it's open for all to see on official sites..
Oh... uhh... we did do ISIS. Not all of it, but a lot of western backed "Moderate Rebels" were ISIS factions.
And, yeah, Israel gakked Arafat and Sharon to make sure any kind of peace was impossible.
Sorry if you're saying you already knew that and i'm reading it wrong.
One of the recent TrueAnons is all about that Nazi "victims of communism" memorial and about how Chrystia Freeland was actively one of the OUN-B goons, at a low level, sent back in to Ukraine during the last years of the cold war to start spreading UkroNazi propaganda.
: the deputy PM of Canada is a Nazi spy who uses Canada to advance the position of Ukronazis with the complete knowledge and complicity of NATO!
christ almighty, this is fucking grim
like it's inconceivable that there is such cruelty in this world, and that it is allowed to happen by the so-called international order
these people deserve no mercy, no quarter, every single IOF soldier is the absolute scum of the earth
edit: I saw this image about ten minutes ago, and I can already tell that this is one of those pictures that gets seared into my mind, I am unlikely to stop thinking about this for a very very long time
this is legit one of the most evil things I have ever seen in my entire life, holy fucking shit
absurdly cruel and evil
if you were writing villain in a nazi movie that did this, critics would say it was too cartoonish and took them out of the film cause its not realistic
Three of the same white bear with a heart.
Which seems like something you might get in a hospital...
Bruh this would be seen as too edgy for mad max movie. What the fuckmothering hell. Reality always turns out worse than fiction
Dementus did exactly this, as did one of the extras in Road Warrior
There was a low budget road warriors knockoff I saw once where a dude had a vest made of sewn together blushes that were all dirty and ragged and gotta say, smart cheap costume design there
and im supposed to believe this piece of shit is some kind of victim LMFAO
If hell does not exist for these people, we must build it here on earth.
Rereading Surface Detail with the POV that The Culture is wrong to oppose artificial hells.
Anime watchers be like "Naruto has the best villains, they have very real motivations and ultimately want peace" Nope. Wrong. Nuh uh. No. That makes them too unrealistic. For the most realistically written villains you have to watch YouTube Poops from 2006 where they spam CDI Ganondorf going "YOU MUST DIE!" over and over.
I feel [REDACTED]ly about this.
Could I get a source for this? This is one of the most evil things I’ve ever heard of
Its so evil I want to refuse to believe it exists. Surely there's a different reason it's adorned with toys? Would it be less evil if it were to entice children to run towards the bulldozer?
This isn't an attempt at debunking, but there could be other reasons for this. These weapons have been nicknamed "teddy bears" for whatever reason and the toys could be gifts sent to the unit or the individuals operating the vehicles. A bunch of the toys seem to be teddy bears holding hearts, which are less common for children in households and more common for care packages sent to soldiers (also hospital paitents). The motivation behind adorning the vehicles with these could be affection for those who sent the gifts, some kind of joke, or as a decoration meant to humiliate their victims.
The explaination given by OP is the only one I could find attatched to other uploads of this image. Given what we gave seen the IDF do in Gaza it is not below them to decorate their weapons with the belongings of the children they have murdered, orphaned, rendered homeless and/or traumatized. Either explaination of this photo suggests something perverse is going on here.
This is the guy and his post
I don't think it's explicitly said
I don’t think this is true. The armored bulldozer is nicknamed “the teddy bear.”
The nickname comes from the Hebrew acronym for armored mechanical engineering equipment (TZMEDA), which sounds like "doobi." The D9R is also known as "דובי" in Hebrew, which means "teddy bear."
The stuffed animals in the photo appear to all be teddy bears.
Of course I wouldn’t put it past the IDF to do what’s claimed in the OP.
Free Palestine.
What do you mean by not true, do you think the picture is faked, or that it’s real but a joke?
I think he's saying the picture is real, but that the context/story might be fake. Ie: they put teddy bears on the thing but the teddy bears don't necessarily come from Palestinian kids.
Still pretty deranged...but not comic book villain levels of evil.
Putting children’s toys on your murder and de-housing machine is pretty comic book villain imo. Point taken though