joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 85 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • It hit me hard when I got it. The worst part was the very high fever and brain fog working together to make me feel even dumber than normal. It didn't help at all that I was also taking prednisone which further compounds this effect for me. It was a very fucking strange couple of weeks, very surreal. Also, it took me a month and a half until I could go for a walk without feeling as sore and tired as if I'd just run a marathon. 0/10 would not recommend.

  • You're a really stable genius, eh? Want some cofeeve with your hamberder? Or a syringe with detergent to cure your COVID? Want a ride in my new electric battery shark boat? Can YOU divert hurricanes with a nuke and a sharpie? Should POTUS salute North Korean Generals in public? Or perform fellatio on Putin at Helsinki in front of the entire world? Did Trump beat Obama in 2020? BING! BING! BING! BING! NIKKI! NIKKI! NIKKI!

    10/10 site tagline

  • As a teacher, I'm keenly aware of the fact that my future is not guaranteed at all. Particularly because I'm a language teacher, which is a field that, at least in my country, is mostly driven by marketing. I'm sure that someone will figure out a way to make an AI English tutor sound like a great, cost-effective idea, and then I'm screwed. I give it about four or five years.

    I know that because I used to do plenty of side gigs as a translator as well, and these have simply dried up in the past year and a half or so. Like, literally zero jobs since the dawn of ChatGPT and the like.

    I'm glad I used most of that side hustle money to buy myself a whole workshop's worth of woodworking tools, and my way out will be to make high-end furniture. I still need a couple years to really get good at it, but I reckon it'll be longer until an AI chatbot can run a piece of wood through a jointer.