• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    8 months ago

    Upholding the proud fascist tradition of watering the fields of prime agricultural regions with his blood in the stupidist way possible o7

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        8 months ago

        Language is neither reactionary nor progressive; it is quite simply fascist; for fascism does not prevent speech, it compels speech. If I had to create a god, I would lend him a “slow understanding”: a kind of drip-by-drip understanding of problems. People who understand quickly frighten me.

        So this Barthes fellow? He was a haver of takes? The very hottest takes?

  • zaogao [she/her]
    8 months ago

    i feel like this qualifies as sad cringe, especially with catturd in the mix

    • booty [he/him]
      8 months ago

      nah, not with the other shit from this guy's account people were posting. world's better off without this guy

      • zaogao [she/her]
        8 months ago

        i mean sad in a judgemental way but yeah lmao

  • egg1918 [she/her]
    8 months ago

    Is this the account of the shooter or the hog that died?

    8 months ago

    God was with President Trump on that beautiful day

    He allowed a fallen child of our LORD to climb that building with a weapon of death.

    He took the tools from those who would stop that child so that he would be left to his evil deed

    He placed trees and sunlight in the vision of those who would act preemptively to protect our beautiful and best President.

    He allowed the sinner to take aim and fire manifestations of blasphemy upon our imperfect, but nonetheless righteous, savior, Donald J Trump

    God allowed and aided this best laid plan of mice and men

    And right as the bullet traveled to its intended target, God sent one of his best angels to whisper in Donald Trump's ear.

    "I am here. Do you still hear me?"

    At the last possible moment, our President turned his head. He heard the voice of our LORD God. And in doing so, he avoided the evil hurtling towards his mortal flesh, nicking his ear as proof of his humanity and a reminder from God that although all men possess free will and determine their fates, they do so through the grace of God and must never stray from his eternal love and light.

    Donald Trump, our former and future President, showed God and the world that he still hears the heavenly call just as he hears our worldly calls. He is simply the vessel, the medium through which the pleas of humanity can reach the listening ear of God.

    He also offered us a warning for those who stray from the light. Our fallen brethren, Corey, took the instrument of death intended for our President. God loves us all the same as his children, flawed as we might be, and surely sent an angel calling for Corey as well.

    It is not for us to speculate on why Donald heard the call and not Corey. God's plans are not for us to know until the time when He makes them known. Take heed of Corey's example. Reconnect with God and pray for His forgiveness for you know not when He might test you.

    We must all strive to be as righteous and God-fearing as President Trump. Thus surely we will also be granted His good favor and grace.


    [If one of those insane churches uses this, I claim copyright. My brainrot will pay off one day copium]