• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltochapotraphouseThe state of Bing News
    18 days ago

    "An AI image of Russian president Vladimir Putin has been circulating online recently where he is depicted drinking Ukrainian children's blood. Many have denounced the image as dehumanizing, but it has made some ask the question "If it's so easy to believe Russians drink the blood of children, what does that say about Russians?"

    That was a question posed by second generation Ukrainian-Canadian Miroslav, who requested we keep his last name private due to what he referred to as "anti Ukrainian nationalism slanders" against his grandfather. We have been independently informed he was known as "Miroslav the Jew Hunter" during the second world war.

    We asked Miroslav for a comment on his grandfather's history. "Maybe my beloved grandpa did some unsavory things. But he loved Ukraine. He hated communism and I hate communists too. I see nothing wrong with his beliefs.""

    [NY Post my DMs are open. Or Bing]

  • People who parrot the "right to exist" line are usually either so far gone down the propaganda pipeline that you alone will not be moving them on the issue or, worse, they're a full blown ideologically driven Zionist cynically trying to equate their fascist pet project with the existence of humans inside and outside of Israel.

    And honestly before Oct last year I think a lot of westerners, especially Americans, could plausibly fall under the former. Maybe they saw pictures or heard a news story from Israel's various criminal murder campaigns, looked into it just a tiny bit, and immediately got smacked with the "wow! Seems like you don't think Israel has a right to defend itself or exist!" And a lot of well meaning liberals will throw their hands up and go "no no no I'm sorry! I didn't know!" and never talk about it again due to the way Zionism has fairly successfully tied Israel to Jews as a people (which is antisemitic as fuck) and so Israel is regarded as "not your business" if you aren't Jewish. Your acceptable choices are ignoring/avoiding it or being pro-Israel... nothing else.

    But since October, where there was very little excuse before, there is NO excuse now to claim ignorance. As much as I try to attribute people's actions to ignorance rather than bad intent, I can't do so anymore on this issue. I simply refuse to accept anyone who can parrot the right to exist BS doesn't know exactly what Israel has been doing for 75 years and especially the last 20 or so and especially especially the last 9 months. We all see the videos/pics, everyone who didn't know before knows now at least a general REAL history of how Israel came to be, so if they're falling back on right to exist it's for a specific reason. They're trying to do what the intent of that phrase is which is to sort of humanize the state of Israel, to make it a person basically, and that "person" represents all Jews in the world. If you wish to see that state dismantled then you're explicitly saying you want Jews to not exist. Obviously this is all antisemitic (the biggest irony in all this) as fuck and basically just early 1900s nationalistic insanity that, yes, you'd be hearing from Nazis or perhaps the fucking KKK.

    So, no matter what you say or do, you aren't pushing those people who are fully committed to equating a nation state with a group of people. To them you might as well just be saying "Jews don't have a right to exist." They're so far down in their racist dark places that many of them probably do believe this to a large extent, or they're just totally cynical right wing pieces of shit who revel in being able to murder people AND being able to silence you with false claims of antisemitism. Either way, like I said, you won't be moving them.

    The only thing that can probably move them is making it fully untenable to be a Zionist. It needs to have the same stigma as openly calling yourself a Nazi or openly supporting Rhodesia. It used to be very popular to support Rhodesia amongst far right wing types. Ask people under 30 or maybe even 35 what Rhodesia was now days and you'll get a lot of "huh? Never heard of it" responses. Just gotta keep pushing to cut off aid to Israel, keep pressuring private industry/unis to divest, and finally to enact sanctions and remove all political protections at the UN. Once Zionists are totally isolated from the world it'll all crumble and you'll never hear another dumbass say that right to exist line.

    That's where I'm at with that stupid phrase. Don't debate them, just force them to stfu. It will take a lot more time and effort, but they're losing, they know they're losing, and I dunno. Fuck their dumb little racist slogans in the end.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltochatSlurs becoming normalized in 2024?
    19 days ago

    I deleted Twitter a few days ago after finding myself spending a hugely undesirable amount of time dunking on Nazis and seeing absolutely zero engagement for the most part. On a previous account I would get sometimes hundreds of likes- oh that got banned for something like saying anti-white racism is a myth. Can't remember exactly. So it's just a waste of time unless you like to yell into the void which can feel good, I won't deny that.

    I think at this point, specifically following Herr Musk's (German accent on that) visit to Israel and subsequent 69ing with the ADL, the Nazi rhetoric and the total non-consequences and promotion of Nazi content and banning of common sense but "woke" to them (like anti white racism being a myth) content is full tilt self destruction, 4chan mode and it's actually just a negative experience overall to be on there. Even if you cultivate a fully leftist follow list, block all the Nazis you see, the Elon algo still places new Nazis in front of you day after day to farm your rage engagement.

    As far as these people existing IRL... meh. I wouldn't say it's particularly worse than it has been in the last 10 years or so, but it's probably on an upswing specifically because of platforms like Twitter making it seem normal.

    The biggest cucked move by Biden's FTC was not yoinking Twitter from Elon. They could just do it and tell him to suck a cock, appeal it if he wants, and drag it forever. Governments have that massive power. But not if they self-cuck because they ultimately don't really disagree with the Zionist Nazi propaganda on there everyday...

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoaskchapoWhere does fentanyl come from?
    19 days ago

    I haven't looked into this yet, but I can almost guarantee there is a purposeful blending or blurring of the numbers or lines around legal, legitimate-use medical grade fentanyl that hospitals use for all kinds of shit and the illegal, questionable quality, dubious source stuff. There's also going to be a lot of fear mongering around precursors for the drugs. Say it takes 1g of chemical A in the production of 1kg of good quality fentanyl in a good lab. The DEA or other motivated agencies will absolutely just say every bit of chemical A that enters the country could be used in fentanyl production.

    But again, this is all speculation, I haven't looked into it yet, I just know how cop-brains operate

  • OK let's not all pretend this wasn't us to some degree at least as teens maybe early 20s. Perhaps still in the ol' inner monologue.

    coworker: hey, bro. You play that new [CoD 20XX ed.]?

    "Oh... not yet. Is it any good?"

    Inner monologue: "mmm, yes, these simpletons will never understand the elaborate schemes required to cause a socialist revolution in the United States in [newest map sim game]"

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltochapotraphouse--- E. Hemingway
    19 days ago

    Can't help but be reminded of this scene from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. One of the funniest/darkest scenes in the ongoing "Dennis is definitely a psychopath" character arc.


    "It’s fetish-fetish shit! I like to bind. I like to be bound!"


  • I like how they just lie blatantly and openly

    No country has a right to just invade another nation or sovereign territory just because [reason]

    They have a right to demand their people be returned any enter diplomatic relations to get them back. Not just invade a place, kill any number of civilians, and then pretend it was justified. The only reason these Nazis think like this is because they're American or under American umbrella, so to them America and chosen allies are allowed to just invade and destroy any territory they deem necessary for any reason at any time. Obviously this "logic" requires believing the US/ allies are special, should be special, and above international law and basic human decency that dictates "you can't just murder innocent people somewhere to "save" other people." Like if bank robbers took hostages no one would say it's ok for cops to level all the surrounding residential area killing 1000 people in the process of extracting hostages. Just so stupid. So tired of these Nazis.

    Different topic

    Shinzo Abe

  • I know this is the exact opposite direction of Rs and Ds, both, but (commie mode engaged) the US needs to fully decriminalize "illegal" border crossings. Obviously I'd mostly prefer the US/MX border be treated like the US/CA border or even better like the MO/KS or CA/NV borders... ie, not really a border beyond invisible lines.

    I don't know if most Americans, since they were born citizens, have ever dealt with the immigration shit hands on in any capacity. I used to deal with USCIS (immigration) and the passport service a lot for a job. I was just verifying legal status based on documents issued by USCIS. Like checking if a judge had granted asylum status or if a person had a temporary green card (temporary permanent residency... figure that one out) due to a recent marriage to a US citizen, stuff like that. Because federal and state benefits or services are often tied directly to your citizenship status. Being able to get a driver's license is usually also tied to legal status in the states. Some states are more restrictive than others, but yeah.

    Anyway, I had never dealt with immigration service shit before that job. I knew some people who were dual citizens or even had moved to the US or had parents move here, etc. but never had hands on dealing with the systems and the paperwork.

    Dealing with that shit, even as the privileged natural born citizen, who isn't at risk for anything, was stressful and frustrating as fuck. I don't know how people deal with it tbh. Even like the "best case" immigrants, the H1b and their spouse, seemed to always be teetering on the edge of "oh, oops, USCIS fudged this up. Guess your driver's license is cancelled. And you're probably here illegally now. 🤷‍♀️" Seeing whole families lugging around giant sorting folders of all their precious documents was something I had never encountered. And I guess why would you, it's pretty personal documentation and stuff, but still.

    There were so many times where some moron wrote a rule specifying like the employment authorization document card (it's similar to a green card but red and only denotes certain employment eligibility) wasn't good enough to get certain stuff in the state. I'd have to explain like if USCIS issued them an EAD card... then yes they're eligible for things like driver's licenses. It means they probably got asylum approved or are awaiting a final judgement or whatever and can work in the meantime. But nope, some tiny rule somewhere says the card isn't enough they also need a signed, stamped document... Jesus Christ it was crazy.

    I remember one time I kinda passed this one on to my supervisor to say this shit because I'm fairly sure it was illegal and didn't want any part of it. Some guy was submitting citizenship proof for a federal background check as part of becoming certified to drive hazmat commercial vehicles. Everyone has to go through the process every whatever number of years like 5 years or whatever. I think only citizens are eligible for it as well. Maybe perm residents, I forget, but anyway this guy was a naturalized citizen so I asked for his citizenship proof which for him is his certificate of naturalization or, more commonly, US passport. He gives me the passport, I do all my shit, all the paperwork and shit that goes to the FBI to do whatever they do. The next day I was told there was an error with his application and I needed to call him and let him know they needed proof of citizenship... I said "his passport info is in the file." Which it was. So my supervisor pulls it up since she wasn't sure what was being requested and she's like oh but his passport says [country that isn't USA] as birthplace. "Ok? And? I send up US born passports all the time... they issued him a passport, he's a citizen. They have all that info somewhere." "Yeah, but you have to submit his original certificate of naturalization." So, this went around in a circle for a while with me being as nice as I could without outright saying "this feels illegal as hell to discriminate against non-US born citizens..." Cool fact about MY passport, it also doesn't say "country of birth: USA" like most do. Because I was born outside the US but to two citizens. It has that country. I said to the supervisor, being nice as I could, "I would sue this place under the ground if you guys demanded I bring in my stupid "born outside the US consular bullshit report"" and she just said she'd handle it after that. I saw the guy the next day and since I was working all I could really offer was the "yeah.... it's bullshit...." speech. We both know why they were singling him out, we both knew if it had been me applying no one would've said shit, but what do you expect from the racist ass system... I did enjoy my dumbass coworker literally shutting the fuck up for the rest of the day (he was a big YAPPER) after I told him/my supe that I was in the same situation as the guy was. And just asking them directly "would you demand I bring in further proof??? Because I know you fucking wouldn't! The application says proof of citizenship which a passport is. Nothing else to say!"

    But yeah fuck USCIS and all the racist ass, stupid ass rules and fuck Joe Brandon

  • My ex-gf from ~10-15 years ago insisted on "snapping" me all the time.

    I only ever used that app to communicate with her. Deleted it fairly quickly once I saw things were not going to be reconciled this time...

    I made a one and only exception for her because, well, we all know why anyone would make that exception. But coworker GREG ain't sending me tittie pics while I'm working. So, he can text me like a normal human.

    I didn't know many people still used snapchat though tbh. And I sure as shit ain't joining a rando discord for coworkers. I try to not use discord at all for the most part...

  • This is the most annoying/frustrating thing about liberals. They think that just repeating a "definition" is the end all be all of the conversation. Call it whatever the fuck you want in any language you want. Placing someone under arrest, handcuffing them, holding them at gunpoint, putting them in a small room for a specific amount of time regardless of any legitimate or illegitimate reasons for doing so is violent.

    First day as dictator I would enact the Hitchens Decree ™️ where everyone is polled with a simple yes/no "Is being arrested an inherently violent act?" all the yeses are "pardoned" and all the noes go on a list where any time in the next month they'll be arrested by police in the most nonviolent way possible, given a night in jail, then re-polled right before release.

    Folks. It's called "re-education", ok? And we're gonna do it. We gotta do it. These people, I wouldn't even call them people really, but these people... they're sick, folks. Let me tell you. Sick like you wouldn't believe. We have to help them. We have to, believe me. Believe me. We will help them.

  • I dunno about the guy who shot him, but Chris Kyle was well and far beyond just some pawn in imperialism. He was a proud imperialist who glamorized his murders, took pride in his exceptionally high number of murders, and even fantasized about doing the same to displaced, starving, thirsty Americans.

    At some point people move beyond being mere "victims" of imperialism (being indoctrinated from birth) into being willing actors with full understanding and agency in their actions and Chris Kyle epitomizes it.

    I don't know if he ever expressed real regret for his actions. I don't think he did, but, even if he did, helping some guy with PTSD isn't going to undo or "restore" victims of harm he did. The best he could do is be an active mouthpiece against imperialism. And uh he did posses a particular set of skills that could be useful towards that end...

    "Defect, Yankee!"

    "You cannot win, Yankee!"

    But yeah, for people like that they probably can't ever complete a journey towards restorative justice. Most of them also don't even try. They're never held accountable by any government. Society has no punishment for them. The only punishment they receive is PTSD or a general feeling of "I'm a bad person."

    If they want real justice they'd have to submit themselves to their victims/victims' families. Which seems laughable to westerners because everyone inherently knows what those people or governments where they committed crimes would seek as punishment... dude killed fuck loads of people in a foreign country. People who were engaged in a righteous and legal defense against him. So instead he and many others go "woah, fuck that!" and decide to drive their vet buddy to the shooting range for some amateur style exposure therapy... they/society never reckon with facts like he was literally shooting people ("terrorists") who were defending their homes, land, and people from an invading force. Americans just see all his victims as "terrorists" like mindless jihadis who only wanted to murder their own people instead of what they really were which is desperate, angry people trying to resist imperialism. The same people who celebrate Kyle are the same ones now days who celebrate the "brave IDF!" or whatever as they bomb another neighborhood into rubble.

    That's why I have nothing but contempt for him and why it makes me sick when people try to make him into a good guy.

  • If liberals knew history they wouldn't be liberals.

    My incredibly reductive outlook:

    Leftists know history and use gained knowledge to choose the correct stance/understand why things are how they are

    Right wing, fascists, whatever else, think they know history, but usually it's just made up mythological bullshit. Eg Nazis obsessed with Roman Empire shit

    And liberals, less far right, have no fucking clue at all. Everything is vibes based, aesthetic, optics. Things that happened are smoothed over to get rid of the nasty edges. Eg the historical necessity of violence and force at certain points to defeat oppressors. They think labor rights and civil rights just appeared one day after votes were cast and ignore the decades, centuries, of violence against workers, women, minorities like African slaves and their descendants, etc. Once some previously unimaginable progress is obtained they immediately move their mental goal post so that the new thing was sort of always there and no further progress is possible.

    Really sucks when you realize fascists live off in a fantasy land of their own creations. While liberals are busy claiming all progress achieved was done by people like them while simultaneously working to block all further progress.

    So that's The Atlantic's job. Claim credit for everything while always doing their best to prevent everything. Gotta love liberals