booty [he/him]

  • 28 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • For what it's worth, I fully believe that Helltaker's offline for legit reasons now. Whatever I think of the admin team at this point I don't think they'd go quite that far. At this point my main theory became that they made the first or first few accounts, then someone else saw us speculating about who it was and decided to add fuel to the fire by copying the style.

    Just another note while we're on this topic, I fully expected to be banned the first time I made this public accusation. I am pleasantly surprised to still be here, and to still be able to stoke the flames of, uh, discontent or whatever's going on here, with my persistent and at times aggressive comments. I've been very happy to see people finally talking about issues with the site's management that I've been harboring for a long time and simply haven't felt like it would be worth getting banned to bring up. It would be really embarrassing if one of the main issues I've been hanging on to turns out to be verifiably wrong, I am absolutely certain I'd never live that one down (if I somehow continued to avoid being banned over it). I think it would be extra funny if it's somehow proven that this user I've been accusing actually isn't even the other user I keep accusing them of being. All I can say is that I fully believe everything I've said, and all I want is dialogue in which everyone else can say the same.

    I've never been wrong in my life, except all those times I somehow became wrong retroactively. Funny how that works, eh?

    Anyway like I said I've been expecting the ban for days so it won't surprise me if/when it arrives. I wish you the best of luck in your investigation, and seriously do let me know if it turns out fruitful so I can get that apology done.

  • I do think you're very invested in this whole thing

    Unfortunately, because you admins clearly are not. Instead of giving me a bunch of unsolicited lies buried deep in a thread where I'm just trying to put my thoughts out there without having to debate obvious bullshit, why don't you reply to my top-level comment? It was like the third comment in the entire thread, it was a simple and natural and reasonable question phrased in a reasonable way. This comment chain down here is dead to you. I have already explained why I will not and cannot believe you, your story does not make sense. Give this one up, and try telling the truth about something for a change.

  • Also, honestly I feel like I've moderated enough of her comments to say I don't really see enough resemblance to say it's an impersonation either.

    Oh ok, so you just think I'm a complete fucking rube who will believe whatever bullshit you make up. Come on. No one talks like that.

  • Let's say this statement is completely true. That still does not preclude the possibility that the first wrecker account (which was made on Friday) was the mod in question. The mod in question was actively posting only minutes before the wrecker accounts popped up. You expect me to believe that the mod in question coincidentally lost internet access at exactly that moment? At the moment that someone decided to impersonate them on alts? Come on.

  • To articulate a bit further, there are two possibilities I deem plausible.

    1. The wrecker in question is the mod.

    2. The wrecker in question wants to frame the mod.

    In option 2, the wrecker in question would have to be aware that the mod (currently engaged in a struggle session and getting more heated with each post) has suddenly been called away for an offline engagement where they will be unable to vouch for themselves for multiple days.

    Even if we accept the plausibility of option 2... That still means the wrecker was either a mod or long-standing hexbear user. Because it would have to be someone who has that kind of personal connection to the mod AND the knowledge of how to frame them for ableism and transphobia on hexbear.

  • I know this will sound unreasonable and I apologize, sometimes we're going to be unreasonable. I do not believe you. Not even a little, not for a second, not once. I feel that I have many strong reasons to disbelieve admin statements at this point and it will take a lot of work before I believe a word from any red-badge again.

    Given this admin statement I will in the future refrain from making that specific accusation again. Feel free to purge the specific comments of mine in which I leveled the accusation. But I stand by it.

  • Ok but whatever you 'see some use in' the point is that that is wildly unpopular. Absolutely does not fit the culture or desires of the user base of the site. We just want to post the shit we like posting. If you don't want to see that content you're perfectly capable of blocking it. I think the fakenews comm is bad, mean-spirited, unhelpful, useless, awful in every way. I blocked it (and the person who made it) the day it was made. I've never been affected by its existence since. Why exactly do we need people to remove comms for content that they personally don't like, when those comms are among the most popular on the website?

  • Yup. Admins can't stand that the users of this shit posting site want a comm where they can post low effort dunks. That's the core of it. At every opportunity the mods and admins could have just stopped antagonizing the users of the site for no reason, and at every opportunity they have instead doubled down with some of the worst and most offensive arguments I've ever seen from supposed "socialists."

  • At this point it's like 4 struggle sessions stacked on top of each other. In short, the mods/admins still hate the dunk tank and are mad that they failed to kill the dunk tank using rule 8 ages ago. So they tried a new strategy which was wildly unpopular, insulted and condescended to and banned loads of people for expressing the unpopularity of this strategy, and then repeated. Like 3 times.

  • Literally no one is upset about the Alaskaball thing and it was only for like 20 total minutes that anyone was before the matter was cleared up. Pretending it has anything to do with the core of the struggle session is just yet another in the seemingly endless series of shameless admin lies.