GalaxyBrain [they/them]

  • 879 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020


  • Working on an insustrial/noise project with a pal. We've got a third band member who is our electrical engineer. We've got, custom amps, a theremin, keys, some of the weirdest homemade pedals, a bass, the body of a bass that we nailed to a broken piano that has metal strings so we hjng it on its side, nailed the bass to the inside by the neck, turned plugged it in and hit the strings with tools, it sounds like building falling over. We have a drum kit made of contact mics. It's been a recording only thing for now but if we were to play live and crank the volume I'm pretty sure we'd be medically unsafe.

    He's doing a Brighter Death Now solo thing I'm doing like if gothy Italian disco with harsh noise elements. Annie Claudette Dechenne and Farah have been huge new faves and inspiration but tmin general the Italians Do It Better label has been huge for me musically and gotten me out of a rut. Working together it's closer to very very industrial when it was just German people and really weird brits throwing chains at people.

  • Fallout had some of it built in. Class discontent is pretty mainstream cause things are fucked and writers will write about stuff but there is also a trend toward recuperating such ideas cause that's how capitalism works and it doesn't require anyone involved in the show to be aware of this and it's best for capitalism if they aren't. Andor made Disney a good bit of money and renewed some faith thst star wars could be a quality product. They're still putto.g out the same slop but Andor being good and along into good politics was ultimately a good business move as well. You need to bear in mind that everyone involved in producing anything believed in capitalism and if anything based sneaks through its by a pure coincidence of brain synapses or it's a fantasy or Sci fi setting where it's abstracted just enough for writers to explore non capitalist or anti imperialist ideas caue it's a fa tasu setting which gives their west wing brains a rest.

  • It'd probably due to my appearance but I haven't heard either said around me by dudes in over a decade. I've heard some horrible misogyny but as far as explicit slurs go, even working kitchens it hasn't been a thing. Now, I'm also very obviously left wing in appearance I have a spiky red mullet and dress like a British crust punk from.the late 80s and am also very assertive and can be a but scary, so people may have just watched their mouths, but even then some real fucked up methhead tough guys line cooks have been my co-workers and I've for sure heard and shut down some very explicitly racist rhetoric, but I guess they knew using full slurs was an easy way to get canned after. Just my experience. I'm also Canadian and in a very Lib to left city.

  • Tabletop rpgs/board games as well as being a cook/having been a baker has shown me that I'm not bad at math, I'm bad at arithmetic. I can create formulae for upping and downsizing recipes written in sometimes 4 different kinds of measurements cause our recipes are written by weirdos who write down whatever stsr they find easiest to measure while making it, do you got grams, some liquid in ounces some in liters, which is fucky cause one is weight and the other is volume and can improv an rpg system and keep it consistent. I just suck at solving equations on paper.