Z_Poster365 [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022


  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    You are judging current Russia off of future hypotheticals you have no way of knowing.

    Judge Russia by their actions they have actually done, in the real world not the hypothetical one. Things like crushing NATO coups in Belarus, Syria and Kazakhstan. All objectively anti-imperialist actions, none of which they have annexed.

    By the way, that mall story was actually that there was a massive arms and ammo warehouse right next door which is now a crater. Fire spread across the train tracks to the mall, which is a standing smoldering ruin from fire not missiles. It is the responsibility of Ukraine not to put their military targets right on top of heavily populated and trafficked civilian areas, or at least close the mall down. Russia striking an arms warehouse is a legitimate military target, it’s not their fault Ukraine always uses civilian hostages and human shields.

  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    I’m not really sure what your point is even bring that up, how is the Weimar Germany comparable to Maidan Ukraine? Did Weimar Germany have thousands of Nazi officials installed all throughout the government and control of the military, intelligence and executive branches? No, but Nazi Germany did.

    Maidan Ukraine is much like Nazi Germany. Pre-Maidan Ukraine was more comparable to Weimar Germany.

  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    The “Ukrainian people” in the Donbas have made their decision, they are never going back to the fascist Ukraine that attacked them openly. They will be joining Russia, as will Crimea and Southern Ukraine. This is the natural consequence of collapse of legitimacy and power, and persecution of your own people.

    Again, intentions don’t matter. They are not relevant. You can just analyze what has occurred with a Marxist anti-imperialist lens

  • No you agree that fascists exist within Ukraine. Fascists exist within every nation, that’s not even under dispute. You don’t believe Ukraine is fascist state when it clearly is dominated by fascists backed by imperialists (who work hand-in-hand, as seen with Al Qaeda, ISIS, contras, Pinochet, the ROC, etc.)

    The imperialist finance capitalists (US, UK, NATO) and the fascist militaries. That’s it. There are no other factions. Both work together, both need to be destroyed.

    I can’t believe you can’t recognize this after a cursory glance over the last decade’s history. Color revolution -> fascist paramilitaries killing ethnic minorities -> fascist paramilitaries gaining control of the government and absorbing themselves into it -> continued shelling of Donbas in breach of ceasefires -> destruction of all soviet legacy and glorifying Bandera

    They could not possibly be more fascist than they are. How can you not recognize a fascist state?

  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Judging whether a geopolitical action is “good” based on what the intentions within the mind of Putin are is asinine libshit.

    Their action is objectively, scientifically anti-imperialist and anti-fascist and the intentions of the actors is not relevant, only the actions themselves. You cannot even know the intentions, so you just assume the worst to maintain your chauvinist or ignorant neutrality

  • The most important structural aspect of this issue is the Ministry of Internal Affairs .

    Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs, Vadym Troyan, Azov Batallion nazi. Minister for Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, Azov Batallion commander and nazi. Why are these two important? Because the Ministry of Internal Affairs holds executive power over a HUGE amount of the important levers of power in the country, including:

    National Guard of Ukraine National Police of Ukraine Special Tasks Patrol Police State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Ukrainian Sea Guard State Emergency Service of Ukraine State Migration Service of Ukraine These roles, in control of nazis, gives free reign to the nazis to do ANYTHING they want. They control law and order in the country.

    If you try to do anything the nazis don’t want they can just kill you or your family and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The nazis are the police. They will not investigate that killing afterwards.

    What environment does this create? One where the nazis get everything they want because everyone knows they can’t go against them.

  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    No it proves the Nazis are de facto in control, and the US military fills in the gaps and funds and arms the Nazis. This is imperialist fascism, and Russia crushing it is based regardless of motive or if you trust their intent

    This wasn’t just some militias. This is the national guard and the military. The military doesn’t obey the commander-in-chief and prefers their local swatstika covered officers and their guys in the interior ministry and intelligence. You know the people who actually wield the violent apparatus of the state.