Image is from this article.

Thank you to for covering my position as Supreme Dictator of the Goddamn News while I was moving and getting set up in my new home in a top secret Kremlin-funded bunker five hundred feet below the ground. Our regularly scheduled programming returns this week.

On October 9th, Daniel Chapo won the Mozambique general election with about 70% of the vote. Chapo is the head of FRELIMO, the Marxist-Leninist party of Mozambique's liberation, which fought an internal anti-communist resistance called RENAMO which was backed by Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa; Frelimo won in 1975. However, as the USSR fell, Frelimo began to allow elections inside Mozambique, and has ruled the country with significant majorities in each election ever since.

The main opposition party inside Mozambique is Podemos, which is led by Venancio Mondlane, a former member of Renamo and trained inside the USA. He alleges that his polling figures predicted a majority win for him, not Frelimo, and has accused Chapo of electoral fraud. There have been the usual slogans about how they yearn for freedom. The EU, of course, "witnessed irregularities." As has pointed out, Mozambique has massive undeveloped gas fields and is outsourcing the development process to France, Norway, the UK, and the USA, while mysterious Islamist groups have popped up to cause chaos in the exact regions which have the gas, slowing the process of actually developing those gas fields. Overall, it appears to be a cookie-cutter colour revolution attempt by the imperial core designed to install a comprador for cheaper resources. Its proximity to BRICS+ member South Africa may also be significant, noting the colour revolution in Bangladesh earlier this year exerting influence near India and China.

Protestors have been battling against the police and government since late October, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries as well as massive disruption, as the government has intermittently blocked access to the internet and social media. As of today, calm appears to be returning, with border crossings beginning to reopen.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

The bulletins site is here!
The RSS feed is here.
Last week's thread is here.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA reports on Israel's destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news.
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict


Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful.
Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
Simplicius, who publishes on Substack. Like others, his political analysis should be soundly ignored, but his knowledge of weaponry and military strategy is generally quite good.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists' side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.

Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:

Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

  • Wertheimer [any]
    4 months ago

    The NYT asks - Why Was There a Broad Drop-Off in Democratic Turnout in 2024? (archive)

    Gaza - not mentioned, even though they talk about Harris getting fewer votes than Biden in Dearborn. Grocery prices - not mentioned. Are you better off than you were four years ago? Not mentioned.

    Some analysts point out that Ms. Harris was simply the latest political casualty of a postpandemic global trend favoring challengers, no matter the incumbents’ politics, in places like Japan, South Africa, South Korea and Britain.

    Mexico? Not mentioned, because then they'd have to point out that incumbent parties that have actually done something to help people out of poverty tend to win reelection.

    • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
      4 months ago

      Mexico? Not mentioned, because then they'd have to point out that incumbent parties that have actually done something to help people out of poverty tend to win reelection.

      They'd also have to admit that latino men apparently have no problem with voting for a woman as head of state. She just needs to not run on a platform of fucking over the working class.

    • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
      4 months ago

      it must be such a sick job to get paid six figures to write fictional newspaper articles that dont have to have any connection to reality

      Death to America

    • operacion_ogro [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Grocery prices - not mentioned.

      It's so funny that you called this out because right now there's a post on the front page of the NY Times scaremongering about how "aktchually, Trump's tariffs will make grocery prices go up (not like the imaginary 'price gouging' you've been imagining!)"

    • Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      Some analysts point out that Ms. Harris was simply the latest political casualty of a postpandemic global trend favoring challengers

      Fuck off

      • tripartitegraph [comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Sometimes, after a life-altering, traumatic, global pandemic, the masses just dislike their current leaders. It just, like, happens I guess. shrug-outta-hecks

    • plinky [he/him]
      4 months ago

      India also was reelected (i mean hard to remember 1 bln people country right)

      • eight [it/its]
        4 months ago

        i think china reelected the CPC too - unless i majorly missed some news in 2023

        • plinky [he/him]
          4 months ago

          I kinda skipping china/russia/turkey (for libness of argument sake)

          • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
            4 months ago

            its also a harder argument to make. we all know the chinese communist party is responsive to people's concerns, that they 'have constituents'.

            and we are also not naive enough to think that its a monolithic hivemind, that there's no politicking or factioneering within it.

            if we are to say that the incumbents were rewarded in china's national government, we have to make a much more complicated analysis than just pointing to mexico and saying - yo, this government keeps getting rewarded like they actually are more progressive than FDR.

        • plinky [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Did they get in a coalition? I thought they squeaked by small majority

          • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
            4 months ago

            Yes the Government is only holding together because of the coalition.

            BJP lost, coalition won.

    • Parzivus [any]
      4 months ago

      Turns out when you can't mention all the awful neoliberal policies that actually made her lose, you really only have "she was unlikable" and blaming minorites

    • BigBoyKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      The descent of many libs into “it was rigged” is predictable, fascinating and very very funny. The latest I have seen is that Starlink was interfering with vote counts because Elon told Joe Rogan he had an app that gave him a prediction of the election 4 hours before the polls closed libbing-out

  • LargePenis [he/him]
    4 months ago


    these are the people that lecture you about anti-semitism and racism

    • newmou [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Lmao Germany who ostensibly “has rules” against this domestically and then votes against at the UN

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      4 months ago

      US sides with the usual suspects but Israel breaks from them. It's basically West vs the rest + Isreal

      • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        israel can't openly endorse Nazism as it would undercut the entire narrative about the necessity of their existence

        This is also effectively a "do you like Russia" resolution in real politik, which Israel is still trying to cling onto a relationship with to prevent the full on alignment happening between Russia and Iran

    • plinky [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Small islands being on the team is always funny

      the fuck slovakia reasoning, don't they have sympathetic to russia socdem with conservative brainworms?

    • AfterthoughtC - he/
      4 months ago

      The 'Against' vote from western countries like Spain/ Canada/ Ireland/ Netherlands/ Germany etc. is also likely due to the Russia-Ukraine war. The recent chain of 'Against' started in 2022. Before that those countries would all vote 'Abstain' and the only ones who vote against were USA and Ukraine.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]MA
      4 months ago

      Absurd world we live in when the entirety of the "post" axis powers of Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Croatia all voted down on combating the glorification of nazism, neo-nazism, and other fascist practices.

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      4 months ago

      I love that they do this vote in the UN all the time. I hate that you can watch the return of fascism over the last few years. It'd be nice to make it into a animated Gif.

    • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      Damn. Wasn't it just like the U.S. and Israel against the rest of the world in the last one (a couple years go)?

  • plinky [he/him]
    4 months ago


    are you client maxxxing rn, hexbears? I'm my kitty's client

    • plinky [he/him]
      4 months ago

      But more in meganews vibecheck, do you think old musky boy will try to reign in trumpo re:china? or be accelerationist, like tim apple, with bans?

      • Parzivus [any]
        4 months ago

        China's electric cars blow Tesla out of the water. He will probably support China tariffs/bans in exchange for even more subsidies

      • Halloweenbean [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        He will lobby for Trump to compensate him for his lost china factories by giving him seized factories in Mexico. And by seized I mean annexed

      • QuillcrestFalconer [he/him]
        4 months ago

        On one hand, he has a giant factory in China, on the other hand his biggest competitor is chinese.

      • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
        4 months ago

        Generally speaking, there is the public show and what actually happens.

        Everyone involved at a certain level knows what’s up.

        • plinky [he/him]
          4 months ago

          if you are in president's ear, china market might seem like small potatoes compared to idk, monopoly on solar/defence/evs

      • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Both. He'll encourage Trump to go after China HARD, but gain some kind of exception to the tariffs, bans, etc.

      • plinky [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Until you learn that china is controlled by three mafia clans, who were bought out by the british in the 1800s, who in turn are controlled by genoan/venetian cartel illuminati

  • plinky [he/him]
    4 months ago


    too lazy to make a post but chefs-kiss on amerikkkan celebrities, beacons of virtue.

    Imagine donating to campaign to fight fascism (together with 700 mln dark money, but putting that aside), and they pay katy perry cool 1 million for appearance

    • somename [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Spending money to advertise your message across the nation to energize voters? No. Let’s blow it all on concerts. Amazing strategy.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      4 months ago

      They basically spend 3x the amount Trump did just so Trump can tweet this:

      I am very surprised that the Democrats, who fought a hard and valiant fight in the 2020 Presidential Election, raising a record amount of money, didn’t have lots of $’s left over. Now they are being squeezed by vendors and others. Whatever we can do to help them during this difficult period, I would strongly recommend we, as a Party and for the sake of desperately needed UNITY, do. We have a lot of money left over in that our biggest asset in the campaign was “Earned Media,” and that doesn’t cost very much. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      4 months ago

      At least some lanyards got to have a party which is good for them. It's still better than blowing the money trying to tell moderate republican unicorns that K-dolf is racist enough for them to vote for her.

  • Al_Sham [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Professor David Miller unearthing the global network of zionist organizations involved in the "Combat Antisemitism Movement" to justify the genocide of Palestine and propaganda that will “reach millions through digital campaigns, influencer partnerships, and an innovation lab.” Here is a selection of just some of the over 850 organizations involved.


      • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Canada loves wokewashing their support for fascism, perfect example is them saying two-spirit people were victims of Communism on black ribbon day (fascist ukkkraine holiday celebrated in kkkanada )

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    4 months ago

    As stated in my post in selfcrit, I'm staying on the site to host the news megathreads and will keep posting as normal.

    I already completely made up my mind. My post there wasn't to try and get people to beg for me to return, it was just to be transparent about why I felt like I was a subpar moderator in light of recent events and therefore why I left. I'm the only mod on self_improvement so I can't just leave (literally, the site UI doesn't allow zero moderators AFAIK) so once we've sorted that out, I will no longer be a part of the mod team and I've already left the mod chat.

    • TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]
      4 months ago

      Being a mod is annoying as hell so I can't blame you. But in all seriousness the news mega is the best part of this site so I'm very happy you're continuing to host. lenin-heart

    • Al_Sham [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I completely avoided the drama and don't have any interest in it. But the news megas are great and I appreciate you running them. Stay cool stalin-cig

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I've never been anything but satisfied with the way the news threads has been modded. And the work you do hosting the news mega is really impressive and highly appreciated.

    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      No one is posting there because they assume you did it so we would beg, they are posting there to let you know no one here thinks you were a subpar moderator. Your choice though.

  • plinky [he/him]
    4 months ago


    why are they doing this? 🧠

    Do they truly want to pre align to trump out of civility? What kinda brainworms are here?

    • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
      4 months ago

      It's so the Democrats can run on "Compared to Biden/Harris, Trump's border policy wasn't effective enough" in 2028 and win another 12 Republican voters biden-megamind

    • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      you terminally online leftists don't understand democracy. kamala ran on a 'save democracy platform'. she lost. therefore the only democratic action the party can take is to do what the people want and support president biden in his bid to implement trump's agenda.

    • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      At the risk of posting the same thing again, I am now fully on board with the punishment theory.

      Libs are extremely vindictive when minorities aren’t behaving as the good, subservient roles that white liberals expect them to be. They are supposed to embellish the progressiveness of white liberals, not to stand up for themselves. The libs now want to punish the Latinos that they perceive to be voting for Trump and cost Harris the election.

    • GrumpigPoopBalls [he/him]
      4 months ago

      As part of the peaceful transition of power it's critical that the Biden administration uses the next 2 months to align the executive branch with Trump's vision so that he can hit the ground running day 1

      • plinky [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Its astonishing, do they not hate the guy? do they truly hate immigrants? what is reasoning here? Nobody would notice if they didn't do it. Nobody will notice they did do it, except for thousands of immigrants getting the door

          • plinky [he/him]
            4 months ago

            Biden 4 year seance of healing the soul of the nation, results:

            paleocon nativism is back

            his brain broke and reknit itself in also paleocon nativism shape

            its 1870s motherfuckers

    • MaxOS [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I’m really going to miss this emote brump

      • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Don't worry: Genocide Joe's corpse (either the literal one or KKKopmala again) will run in 2028 and we can resurrect the emoji, too.

    • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      There's no longer a (close) election for which to pretend. Not that he was pretending much before, having enacted the fascist anti-immigration bill via executive order that Congress refused to (so as to avoid giving him credit).

  • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
    4 months ago

    Trump’s expected deputy director of policy, Stephen Miller, has called to deputize the National Guard to carry out deportations.

    • Halloweenbean [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Border Patrol jurisdiction extends basically everywhere there is a port, the border is loosely defined on purpose.

      • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
        4 months ago

        Yeah I’m with the sovereign citizens on this.

        Just from memory, US citizens in the US are supposed to have free movement (no papers) according to the constitution unless it’s within 100 miles of a border, and like 75 percent of the population lives within this “exception” zone.

        I’ll add to this that those mass immigration raids - like in meat packaging business etc - are (technically) illegal because they catch up and detain US citizens unlawfully, without a warrant (see 4th amendment). But no-one with any power gives a shit.

        When I was young and dumb and a lib, I thought the liberals and the civil libertarians should align on this issue.

        edit 15 seconds after posting: changed one word and also want to clarify part of my point here is you cannot tell a documented person from an undocumented and it’s illegal to request proof, except the state (country) has made its own loopholes and even changed the law in places (ie Texas’ “show me your papers” law)

      • Feline [she/her, they/them]
        4 months ago

        So, combining this federal regulation and the federal law regarding warrantless vehicle searches, CBP claims authority to board a bus or train without a warrant anywhere within this 100-mile zone. Two-thirds of the U.S. population, or about 200 million people, reside within this expanded border region, according to the 2010 census. Most of the 10 largest cities in the U.S., such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, fall in this region. Some states, like Florida, lie entirely within this border band so their entire populations are impacted.

        ACLU: 100 Mile Border Zone

  • whatdoiputhere12 [any, he/him]
    4 months ago

    The Besiktas vs Maccabi Tel Aviv game has moved to Hungary and will be played behind closed doors


    • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
      4 months ago

      struggle session content shouldnt leak into the news mega really, hes made a post, you can just post it there

        • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
          4 months ago

          Secetary of News SeventyTwoTrillion Resigns Amid Controversy Due to Recent Central Committee Communiques, Sparks Outpooring of Support Amongst Citizens

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    4 months ago

    Sucks to suck:

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Marco Rubio being Secretary of State is not going to be good. Nightmare level policy towards LatAm. Not feeling optimistic.

    Edit: Only way I see out is if Trump spreads the military too much. Admin is going to back Israel against Iran, will escalate with China, is sending mixed signals about Ukraine.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      4 months ago

      There never was a realistic scenario in which someone even half-decent would be put in charge of the imperial machine. All we can hope for is that the Trump regime will be too incompetent and erratic to be as efficient as a democrat regime would be.

  • CleverOleg [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Trump has picked Elise Stefanik to be the UN Ambassador for the US.

    While I maintain that functionally, Trump and Harris policies will be no different on the ground in Palestine, there is definitely worrying signs already that Trump will also be pretty horrible, in particular for the West Bank.

    Stefanik is an uber-Zionist even by US Congress standards. She was the one grilling university presidents over not being tough enough on student protestors. There are rumors that Miriam Adelson donated $100 million to Trump’s campaign on the condition that he support Israel annexing the West Bank. And Israel has tapped a settlement expansion activist to be the next ambassador to the US, who is also very pro-annexation as well.

  • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
    4 months ago - just came back from touching grass and saw your comment asking me to comment, still catching up with the US election news and still processing.

    (also I have no idea what’s going on with the mod situation or whatever that happened over the past week but I hope you stay and run the news mega because this is probably my only attachment to the site)

    I will give my hot takes now for the sake of driving a discussion: Harris lost, the Democrats won, Trump a sacrificial lamb, third party movements annihilated, Biden will have the last laugh though he (or his demented mind) probably won’t live long enough to see it

    First of all, the US electoral system is designed to PUNISH. What you’re seeing now is the (non-)voters getting disciplined. Trump didn’t exactly win, Harris lost because millions of voters did not turn up to vote for various reasons that we’re all too familiar with. If you refuse to vote for Harris, you DESERVE Trump. That’s what the libs are snickering about now. Arab voters chose to punish Harris for committing genocide in Gaza? Well, how about you getting punished by Trump who will hopefully deport all of you? The libs are going to be enjoying the schadenfreude of seeing minorities and immigrants getting punished under Trump and continue to scold those who refused to support them.

    The Democrats will not change their way just because they lost the election. The system is working exactly as intended, and the new Trump administration is being used as a fascist terror regime to scare the (non-)voters back into the fold of the Democrats by 2026 mid-term elections. And because of this, the genocide against Palestinians will almost certainly be ramped up under Trump just to spite on the people who wanted to punish them for the genocide.

    The main question is: will the American voters who have decided to sit out this election be scared enough by Trump into voting the Democrats again in 2026 and 2028? If so, then the system is simply correcting itself, and all the Democrats have to do is to be patient and wait 2 years.

    To repeat: the US electoral system is designed to PUNISH. American DemocracyTM meant to rule by FEAR.

    Meanwhile, the DNC will fundraise like no tomorrow until 2026. Wealthy liberal donors so appalled by Trump’s victory will be dishing out their live savings to protect “American democracy”. What’s unique this time is that the Democrats have also secured enough of the traditional Republican establishment donors who have splintered off Trump’s MAGA party that the DNC will now receive double income from both the Democratic liberal and the Republican establishment. Because of how Citizens United works, the DNC will go into the mid-term with very strong financial backing and will certainly have no trouble running their campaigns (reminder that Harris out-spent Trump 4:1 in this election - they have the money for sure).

    As such, the Democrats will continue to rebrand itself as the new Republican Party over the next 4 years, achieving what they have already dreamed of for decades. This is a huge win for the Democrats even when they have lost the election.

    Third, Biden has already set off a ticking time bomb when the Fed started to reduce interest rates back in September. There is no indication that anyone will stop the rate cut from now on, with Trump himself wanting to cut the rate even faster.

    This is a deliberately timed policy such that when the interest income dried up, it will be at least 6-12 months (depending on the rate at which the deficits are drained) after the election. This means recession - and if you think the last two years of inflation was bad, what’s coming is going to be far worse. Many people will lose their jobs. I don’t know if it will be 2009 GFC level recession, but whoever is in the government over the next 2-4 years will be in hot water trying to resuscitate the economy.

    Combined this with Elon Musk pledging to cut 2 trillion deficit, if they really went through with this, we’re going to be looking at an epic proportion of the US economy meltdown (which will also send shockwaves across the world so for those of you living in the Global South, don’t get too excited over this). I doubt the establishment will let it happen but Trump and Musk are both wildcards so anything goes.

    Incidentally, the Wall Street will survive this round of onslaught no matter what, as China has already committed to a financial opening up and lifted all foreign investment restrictions for their manufacturing sector. China is definitely going after the foreign investment route, and I will not pretend that this isn’t a Biden foreign policy win for bullying the Chinese libs into agreeing to this bullshit. What is almost certainly going to happen is that the Wall Street will jump all in for the Chinese stock market and buy up Chinese assets while Trump struggle to re-industrialize the American manufacturing sector. Trump thinks he can take on Wall Street, but in the end China will once again save the American bourgeois class from their domestic “threat” (I don’t think Trump is an actual threat, but rather an aberration that needs to be corrected). The working class will suffer, they will blame Trump and the GOP by the next election, and the affluent libs will be as insufferable as you can imagine.

    Again it must be repeated just how incredibly well timed the Fed rate cut in September was. I don’t know what the Biden administration was on but they have played their cards and adapted to a very dynamic geopolitical situation extremely well, that’s for sure. (I already wrote about how the Fed rate cut + a global recession will allow the US imperialists to take a big bite on the globe a while back, so I will just skip the entire essay here).

    Fourth, this election also sealed the fate of third party electoralism. People would rather sit out than to vote for a third party. The bourgeois establishment has achieved their goals of preventing third party voting (not that it was ever an actual threat to begin with, now that we look back in hindsight) and the ratchet effect of Democratic-Republican bipartisan machine will continue to spin. I don’t think the third parties are ever coming back from this - Bernie Sanders had one good opportunity to run as a third party candidate when getting screwed by the DNC last time, but that opportunity to reshape the American political landscape is now forever lost. It’s either voting for the Democrats or face an ever vicious Republican party - those are the only choices left now. The only way out of this nightmare is a revolution.

    Finally, we’ll talk about some wildcard scenarios. While I still think that Trump will follow the neocon strategy as before (or rather, unable to stop the wheels already in motion), the fact that you have Trump and Musk as two crazy people running the show warrants further speculations into the wildcard scenario that may arise. Most worrying is Trump wanting to appoint Musk as the DOGE minister to cut 2 trillion spending. This is going to be a huge drain on the US deficits that are important to flood the Global South and get them hooked on the dollar.

    Not understanding how the US monetary imperialism works, they might just fuck this up and screw up the dollar liquidity essential to maintaining the US hegemony, while at the same time landing the US into a huge economic crisis that could be beyond what the establishment had envisioned. I have mentioned about Wall Street flooding the Chinese capital markets, but the US economy is so massive that an epic meltdown of the economy might end up inflicting such a huge blow on the Chinese export economy that even the Wall Street financiers get drowned there. This is obviously not something that the bourgeois establishment would like to see happen, and this could actually trigger WW3 if we are unfortunate enough to end up in this scenario.

    • bazingabrain
      4 months ago

      Incidentally, the Wall Street will survive this round of onslaught no matter what, as China has already committed to a financial opening up and lifted all foreign investment restrictions for their manufacturing sector.


      • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Neoclassical economics teach that for developing countries to become rich and transition into high income countries, they have to open up their domestic market so foreign direct investments can throw their money into and help develop your economy. Taking IMF loans is actually good and working hard to pay back your debt is a sign that you’re being responsible and credit worthy for foreign investors.

        This is not just a China problem, but for many countries in the Global South. The Chicago school has forged itself as the mainstream brand of economics and has succeeded in exported its ideology to the entire Global South by training top students who went to study in the top economics and business schools in America and brought those ideology back to their countries.

        The alternative viewpoint is from Marxist and heterodox economics like MMT that say you should not open yourself up to IMF and foreign loans, but instead work on self-sufficiency in agricultural and energy sector (which would include cooperation with neighboring countries such as forming a regional bloc among African and Asian countries, for example).

        Of course this is easier said than done when US imperialism would use its global institutions like the World Bank, the IMF and GATT (WTO) to force poor developing countries into opening up their domestic markets and enable foreign capital to come in and entrench itself within the economy, such that when the time comes, they can threaten to uproot your entire economy and making it ever more dependent on the whims of foreign imperialist powers.

        As an example, ASEAN is a regional economic bloc for the ten Southeast Asian countries. To disrupt their independence, Agent Soros was activated and launched a speculative attack on the Thai central bank, and resulted in the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 during which many countries (including Russia!) defaulted and had to take IMF loans to save their economies. Mission accomplished. This is just an average example of how Western imperialism fucks with the Global South.

        Ironically, Malaysia was one of the few countries that did not take the IMF loans during the Asian Financial Crisis. The current Prime Minister Anwar who is big on joining BRICS, was also a fervent neoliberal supported by the NED who pushed for taking the IMF loan in 1997 as the Deputy Prime Minister. He was then immediately persecuted and imprisoned for conducting sodomy by the Prime Minister of the time, Mahathir, leader of the far right Malay ethnosupremacist party whose anti-Semitism led him to firmly believe that the “IMF is a tool of Jewish cabal” to control their economy. Asian politics can be wild.

        • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          Its not that they absolutely don't care, I'm a big critic and I'd never say say that because its simplistic.

          Its more of a failure of the current ideology and possibly the consequences of Dengism successfuly pushing Marxism away from a prominient position back into the classrooms of university courses and low level party meetings instead of a relevant position at the top of the leadership.

          All of the CPC decision making is done by consulting (neo)liberal economists, the same people that fully understand and submit to all the current mainstream capitalist "common sense".

          Case in point the official rethoric behind the retirement age change. Its entirely a major defeat of the Chinese working class. But the CPC justifies it with common sense capitalist shit.

          "Oh its what needs to be done because there is no other alternative". "It is correct because other capitalist countries have done the same." These are just a couple CGTN talking points among others.

          They literally tried nothing, its completely unpopular, obviously against any socialist ideal(dengist or not).

          The current state of geopolitics necessitates perhaps China to understand their own cultural and historical bias. I think popular opinion is far more anti-US than the CPC leadership even, there are readily available polls proving this.

          But alas a common trend seems to be the consequences of the Sino-soviet split and the thought that fighting the US in solidarity with the global south outside Chinese sphere of influence is repeating the same mistakes of the USSR.

          Pessimistically there is very little hope this will change except through US burning this bridge themselves.

    • carpoftruth [any, any]M
      4 months ago

      I already wrote about how the Fed rate cut + a global recession will allow the US imperialists to take a big bite on the globe a while back, so I will just skip the entire essay here

      Post in question I believe

      I'm not sure a US recession is as baked in as you say. I appreciate that lowering interest rates will stop or slow the big pump of $ into the US economy and world, but couldn't the trump admin moderate this with deficit spending and stimulus that is targeted to the American economy?

      • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        If the rate cut is not compensated by an increase in government spending, then recession is a certainty. It is a mathematical problem.

        And Trump literally said he’s going to get Elon Musk to cut government spending because “inflation is caused by too much spending” which is one of the most pernicious myths of the neoclassical economics that unfortunately we see not only being peddled by the right, but from the left as well!

        The unique situation with the US under the Biden administration is that the high interest rate paradoxically paid out huge amount of money (about $1 trillion in 2023 alone, and has exceeded US annual military spending) mostly to the rich people, and the trickle down has so far been enough to keep the economy from going under.

        By cutting rate, you are slowing the outflow of the money, and if the government is not going to play the role of a big spender to stimulate the economy (Elon Musk wants to cut deficit by 2 trillion!), then there isn’t going to have enough money in the circulation to drive the economy. People will be laid off, consumption (demand) will plunge, businesses will close down, the supply chain will falter, large corporations will then consolidate the assets of all the failing businesses (just like they did during the 2009 GFC and the 2020 pandemic) as the people get squeezed even harder.

        The question here is whether there is a revolutionary potential in America or it’s a “everyone out for themself” kind of situation, if the latter then it’s fascism time.

    • CleverOleg [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Jointly issued on Sunday by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, the new negative list, which will take effect on Nov 1, reduces the number of restrictions from 31 to 29, achieving zero restrictions on the manufacturing sector.

      I’m not sure I understand the details of the “negative list”, but it appears that 2 items from that list have been removed, and either one or both relate to the manufacturing sector? If so, unless each item has a tremendous amount of details, it would seem that not a lot will have changed from the status quo i.e. if there are only one or two items on a list that are restricting the sector, then there couldn’t have been much restrictions in the first place? These are questions, though, not statements.

      • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        Those were the only two restrictions left for China’s manufacturing sector: foreign investors were not allowed to invest in “publishing printers“ which have to be controlled by Chinese owned companies” and “production and processing of traditional Chinese medicine”.

        It’s a complete removal of all restrictions on its manufacturing sector and a signal to foreign investors that China is not going to become a protectionist country (which it should).

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Not understanding how the US monetary imperialism works, they might just fuck this up and screw up the dollar liquidity essential to maintaining the US hegemony, while at the same time landing the US into a huge economic crisis that could be beyond what the establishment had envisioned.

      This is what most anti-hegemony countries are banking on. All of Biden's administration's planning will go to complete waste if Trump (and Musk lol) fucks it up, and their calculations are that Trump will completely fuck it up.

    • Venat [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      Can you expand on the monetary policy part with Biden cutting interest rates?

      Oh nevermind you did in another thread. ty anyway!

    • ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      The Democrats will not change their way just because they lost the election. The system is working exactly as intended

      100% yes. I've been responding to liberals' "will they learn?" takes all over reddit-logo and IRL that, "They need to be DESTROYED, not reformed." Even if they did "learn" a bit and change their policies and/or messaging slightly (and let's be real: it'd just be the messaging), it'd just be temporary and it'd just be a way to preserve their second uni-party ballot line and existence as the "left wing of fascism". We don't want them to learn from it, because that'd just be taping the mask back on for a bit. We want the working-class to recognize what they actually are, instead! Rip the fucking band-aid off! Anything else is just seeking to prolong the inevitable, and cause far more suffering in the end.

      I think this is an opportune time to go hard on this messaging. Kick them while they're fucking down!

      P.S. - Also, the "ruling by fear" bit is another pretty good symptom of fascism we can point out, I think. Kind of a "meta-politics" bit.

    • Halloweenbean [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      That reminds me, time to buy more doge. It makes just as much sense as wasting a payday on voting for parties that win .005 percent.

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      The fates of third-parties were sealed in 2004. They did better in raw numbers and percentage of votes in this election than they did in that one. Anyone expecting them to seriously reshape the political landscape was dreaming too hard. Both parties are as strong as ever and the political landscape won’t be changing within any of our lifetimes.

      That doesn’t mean I think third-parties won’t occasionally have strong runs. They did consistently worse during the Great Depression and then George Wallace came with an unusually strong run for a third-party candidate. Despite that, people still largely voted for the Dems or Repubs.