SoyViking [he/him]

  • 155 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • In Danish media, so-called security experts are currently inventing a guy and getting scared of him.

    In statements to media the experts speculate that Russia could use it's "shadow fleet" of oil tankers as "a weapon against the maritime environment" and deliberately cause an oil spill in Danish waters as part of hybrid warfare.

    It goes without saying that no evidence is presented but as one expert is quoted for saying: "in a time with increasing Russian hybrid warfare, only imagination sets the limit".

    Las time an environmental disaster was deliberately caused in Danish waters was when Nordstream 2 was blown up, most likely by the yanks.

  • The Kiev regime and their American masters are not the intended audience of this offer. Russia knows as well as anyone else that the chance of them taking the deal, or being allowed to take it, is miniscule.

    There are two audiences for the offer. One audience is the Ukrainian public who are feeling the hardships of war. Knowing that a reasonable peace is possible will wear down their morale even more, disrupting Ukrainian war efforts.

    The second audience is the international community. Russia is showing that they're being realistic and reasonable by offering a deal that mirrors reality in the ground. Meanwhile the golf course countries are meeting in Switzerland to make outlandish demands of Russian capitulation. To neutral third parties Russia comes out as being the most sane.

  • Here are some quotes from my country's government broadcaster about the west's Ukraine summit in Switzerland:

    ... large parts of the word stands behind Ukraine in the war against Russia while Russia today looks even more isolated

    Even though several important countries made themselves noticed by not being present the summit has shown a solid global support for Ukraine

    That [the absence of BRICS] doesn't change that a massive number of the world's countries has now sent a clear message that they back Ukraine in the struggle that once a peace agreement is to be signed it should be based on Russian withdrawal and that Ukraine's terrirtory should be what it was before Russia attacked

    The purpose of the summit was to begin a proper peace process where all participating nations could present ideas on how to work towards a lasting peace in Ukraine.

    About the Russia peace offer:

    But his [Putin's] criteria for peace can best be described as an insult to the Ukrainians and the proposal was also blankly rejected by the summit's participants.

    No wonder westoids think like they do when this is the reality that is presented to them.

  • My dad has some fabulous brainworms and talking to him is like staring into a maelstrom of western nastiness interspersed with a few inexplicably sane ideas that does not fit into any of the rest.

    • Large parts of Sweden is ruled by cartoonishly brutal Muslim gangs
    • Muslims and Africans should be ethnically cleansed from the west
    • Muslims and Africans who can not be deported should be worked to death in camps
    • However, Nazis are ridiculous morons, and the rise of the AfD is concerning
    • The GDR was brutally looted in the 1990's
    • People are voting AfD because the established politicians have not solved the real problems. The real problem is the existence of non-white people
    • Meloni and le Pen are okay though because they're not fascists
    • It was a mistake to create "Israel", they should have given the Jews Schleswig-Holstein instead
    • "Israel" is a democracy which means they're good
    • "Israel" is incredibly racist
    • Palestinians should "negotiate" instead of doing armed resistance. They should "make themselves useful" for America and maybe offer them access to natural resources.
    • If Khamas wins it will be much worse for Palestinians than today because then they will live under "a Muslim dictatorship like in Iran" which is worse than getting bombed
    • Wokeness has gone too far
    • Conservative catholics are nasty, their theatrical forms of worship is off-putting and they're driving people away from the church
    • The Donbas should never have been part of Ukraine
    • However, "we can not allow" Russia to win in Ukraine
    • Ukraine is going to win the war once the west decides to take it seriously and gives them all the good gear they have been holding back until now.
    • China is more scary than Russia because the Russians are primitive
    • China is doing imperialism by offering countries material benefits. This is worse than the western way of forcing themselves on the global south.
    • Western democracy is precious and shows how civilised we are, however all western politicians he can think of are corrupt arseholes.

    I believe him to be a completely ideologically representative sample of the average westerner.

  • SoyViking [he/him]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    The weather in my part of Europe is absolute dogshit now, it doesn't get above 18C, it's windy and it fucking rains all the time. Those Terf Island ingrates don't know how good they have it with their 26C "heat wave".

  • SoyViking [he/him]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    The UK has the worst housing stock in western Europe. Homes are not only prohibitively expensive, they are also smaller, less energy efficient and in worse repair than in neighbouring countries.