CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2024

  • Been saying this for years. When your entire ideology is based around racial supremacy and defending european women from immigrants you'll accelerate the centralization of Europe, not end the EU. Talk is cheap. People like Le Pen and Meloni talk about 'ending the EU and creating an Europe of Nations'. The moment they reach critical mass their movement will just wield european institutions to further their agenda. And they won't have any agenda beyond being cultural reactionaries because they are 20+ countries fully dominated by american capital and won't agree on anything but killing migrants and sending guns to Israel.

  • They were also high on end of history histrionics and genuinely believed that economic prosperity would lead to an american style free market economy. And I don't think people were silly to think that way in the 90s. You had to be in the know to realize the fundamentals at play. That China, unlike the Soviets, did not privatize the commons but instead implemented a market economy. The only hint of how things were going was how Japan was forcefully turned into an american sharemarket economy. China by all indications did not have to and didn't.

  • Sorry to respond with such a small take but my impression is that the ecosystem you engaged with benefits from the socialist system preventing the worst of nickle and diming.

    And I do think they make lots of money. Wether you're big tech, big pharma or big food - your market is billions strong. A small profit margin within a socialist market system is more than enough to maintain the capitalist class and ensure investment too.

    More importantly: if you live within this market your expenses in dollar terms will be way undercounted.

  • The thing is: why? China is going through deflation. Imagine if you were in that position. You have an income, a job, and savings. On top of that you get to buy everything you need and want, and your money is constantly worth more because everything is cheap and getting cheaper. Why must this supposed frugality disappear when said savings are converted into investment and higher purchasing power for everybody?

    It's only NFT level economies that need to blow 20 credit cards a month to keep up with rent.

  • That's assuming the economic arrangement during and post climate change is conductive to rising birth rates in the first place.

    What people, especially on the right, don't realize is that falling birth rates is not a matter of incentive or culture. It's correlated with rising literacy rates. That's it. The moment people realize the costs of raising a child in an industrial society and how that affects their future livelihoods they simply don't. The reason birth rates were high in pre industrial societies is because having lots of children was the economic strategy of every living human - from peasants to landlords to kings and merchants. The reason we had exploding growth rates during the industrializing period is because literacy rates and standards of living actually went down in many places, and didn't catch up to the industrial reality until much later. Now, having a child is a luxury for the gentry few. Therefore, populations de-grow.

  • While Azerbaijan is no longer a member of the CSTO, it's important to note that Nagorno-Karabakh was formally Azeri territory, and that it was made possible by a previous ethnic cleansing as well. That might explain why Armenia didn't trigger the defense pact. They weren't even an occupying power, but the sponsor of a local autonomous government.

    If anything my impression from Pashinyan's acts since then seem to veer between 'maybe we can flirt with the EU/NATO' and 'maybe we should just wash our hands of this cause, keep our friendship with Iran and become a transit corridor'.