Wertheimer [any]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Wertheimer [any]tomarxismAny good readings on Social Murder?
    4 months ago

    Here's a paper:

    In 1845, Friedrich Engels identified how the living and working conditions experienced by English workers sent them prematurely to the grave, arguing that those responsible for these conditions -- ruling authorities and the bourgeoisie -- were committing social murder. The concept remained, for the most part, dormant in academic journals through the 1900s. Since 2000, there has been a revival of the social murder concept with its growth especially evident in the UK over the last decade as a result of the Grenfell Tower Fire and the effects of austerity imposed by successive Conservative governments. The purpose of this paper is to document the reemergence of the concept of social murder in academic journal articles. To do so we conducted a scoping review of content applying the social murder concept since 1900 in relation to health and well-being.


    The two most immediate stimuli for the return of the concept were the 2018 UK documentary Grenfell Tower and Social Murder and the 2019 academic article by UK academic Chris Grover Violent Proletarianization: Social Murder, the Reserve Army of Labour and Social Security ‘Austerity’ in Britain. The latter two received wide coverage in the UK mainstream media and stimulated its use in social media in the UK and elsewhere.

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953621007097 , which only gives snippets but maybe the bibliography will help.

  • She did mention the "working class" once in her convention speech. Checkmate, tankies!

    In the Bay — in the Bay — you either live in the hills or the flatlands. We lived in the flats. A beautiful, working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses and construction workers. All who tended their lawns with pride.

    The defining characteristic of the working class - we tend our lawns with pride. You know, those lawns we have. In front of the houses we own.

  • I was dangerously close to falling into a similar situation this summer - a medication that helped my condition but broke my brain. I was so afraid that they would force me to keep taking it even though it was making me more disabled than before, and going off benefits would mean losing my health insurance, which would mean... etc.

    And yeah, I've also had to avoid going to the hospital for status migrainosus because I knew that hospital conditions would exacerbate the migraine long before doing anything to treat it: the fluorescent lighting, the smells, the noises, the interruptions, the 10+ hours to wait for a bed because they don't give a fuck about people with an invisible disability.