wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]

From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free

  • 2.52K Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    tomusicLocke'd Out Again
    19 days ago

    Yeah you really need to watch the finale on its own terms. People got so hyped that literally everything would be explained in a character-driven show. However, there are actually relatively few mysteries left unexplained by the end, just about every mystery in the show was explained by the end. The biggest issue with the show is that it wasn't written out fully to begin with, which would have allowed every loose end to be tied up, but given the television landscape of the mid-2000s, that never could have happened. It's because of LOST that we have shows that can do things like that today.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    tomusicLocke'd Out Again
    19 days ago

    It's very good, but the ending was very divisive at the time and so it gets a lot of hate too. I think the show does fall off a little bit near the end, but the first and second seasons are some of the best television I've ever seen.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    tomusicLocke'd Out Again
    19 days ago

    I've been thinking of doing a 20 year anniversary hextube watch of the first and second seasons this fall. Locke's story is one of my absolute favorites. I've been rewatching the show again and I'm at the part where Locke meets his father, such a great scene. I watched "Numbers" last night too, such a great episode.

  • Brief NSFW rant

    WHY do porn sites insist that I need to make my sexuality fit into one of three boxes, straight, gay, or trans? This is nonsense. Bi stuff with men only shows up in the "gay" section, but bi stuff with women shows up in the "straight" section. Trans people apparently get their own category because I guess to these websites trans people can't be "straight" content, of course the whole section is filled with slurs. As a bisexual, I find myself going all throughout to find stuff I'm interested in, but the site wants me to cordon off my sexuality. Lord knows there's enough porn shoved in your face with nasty racist content, sexist content, stuff you're not into, but if a straight guy sees a cock in a man's mouth that's the "sin" that must be avoided??
