LocalOaf [they/them, ze/hir]

  • 46 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2024


  • Black Ops II on 360 lol kyle

    (I like to play something familiar and mindless while I listen to slop. 5v5 botmatch kill confirmed where you set kills to 1 each and confirms to 2, play to 300, 15 minutes, custom class picks raised to 17, and the FJH-18 AA banned. I wish I had the DLC, idk if it's even possible to get now on 360. Did they ever release a GOTY kinda version that came with all the DLC?)

  • cuddle

    appreciate it

    had a funny dream that kinda cheered me up last night


    baseball-crank I'm a kid on my baseball team, flew out to the warning track to end the inning batting, have to put away my bat and helmet/batting gloves and get my fielding glove and am kinda late to go out to left field to warm up

    Center fielder is being a dumbass and doesn't know if he's supposed to play catch with me or the RF and gets confused

    My dad is by the dugout over at third, I'm supposed to throw to him and CF is supposed to throw to RF

    "this is why you're not the starting pitcher, you're slow and lazy! you killed the rally last inning too! keep your eye on the ball!"

    dad turns around to complain about me to the coach

    take the ball and crow hop and fuckin' chuck a bullet right at him as he's facing towards the dugout

    Drills him right in the back of the head with like a 90mph throw

    Makes the cartoon coconut thunk sound effect and drops his ass like a sack of potatoes

    "keep your eye on the ball dad!" sicko-zoomer

    Woke up grinningmichael-laugh

  • sadposting, relationship yearning

    Terrified of personal intimacy and being vulnerable

    Desperately touch starved and want to be held and lovingly cuddled for hours


    this pseudo-hermit shit sucks but I'm so afraid of putting myself out there looking a relationship and don't feel up to it with where I'm at in my life right now

    I want a partner to love me so bad though, I'm so lonely and have virtually zero positive human relationships irl currently

    I love my cats so much but people need other people sometimes and I don't have anyone and my heart hurts

    It keeps me up at night sometimes just ruminating about every relationship I've screwed up and what could've been

    I can be cruel to myself sometimes but deep down I do think I'm a decent person with a lot of love to give and think there must be someone out there who'd mesh with my weirdo queer self perfectly but I have no clue how I'm ever gonna meet them with where I'm at now

    Oafs need some romance sometimes too aubrey-cry-1