The basket in the analogy is a "leader". If you rely on one "leader" (whatever that word even means lol) for all roles of authority, they're not going to specialize, you'll lack redundancy, and you unintentionally end up with a class division again around who is a leader and who isn't.
There'a a good reason why multicellular organisms and especially social insects use collective intelligence to make decisions, rather than decision-making all done in one most-important cell/individual who then sends commands to the rest.
We don't even have any baskets yet though
The basket in the analogy is a "leader". If you rely on one "leader" (whatever that word even means lol) for all roles of authority, they're not going to specialize, you'll lack redundancy, and you unintentionally end up with a class division again around who is a leader and who isn't.
There'a a good reason why multicellular organisms and especially social insects use collective intelligence to make decisions, rather than decision-making all done in one most-important cell/individual who then sends commands to the rest.