I'll start off by listing mine:

The T-800, Terminator 2: "I know now why you cry, but it's something that I can never do." Gets me every damn time.

ADA, Zone of the Enders: I think I'm the only one who played this game more than the MGS2 demo that came with it. I will never not laugh at the exchange of "You may speak like a human, but you're still a heartless computer, aren't you?" "That is correct. What is the problem?"

Codsworth, Fallout 4: He survives the nuclear holocaust despite not having a bunker and waits 200 years for you to come back. When you look at what changes his relationship with you, he mostly just wants you to be nice to people. I never swapped him out as my companion.

B.O.Y.D., Ducktales 2017: He's adorable. 'nuff said.

    • Phish [he/him, any]
      10 months ago

      Bishop is my favorite by far. He's such a great juxtaposition to Ash from Alien. He serves as proof that the technology itself isn't evil, but it can be if its only purpose is to serve capitalist interests.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        10 months ago

        For real. Also I love how Lance Henriksson portrays the facial emotions. Such a great character.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      10 months ago

      tbh I love Ash too, in a different way. All the Weyland-Yutani androids are tragic. They're all slaves, down to their core, and they seem aware of it. Every one of them is played with a sort of morose serenity, like they're compelled to do every movement they perform against their wishes.