Fuck you. Just fuck you Marvel.

Yeah, that’s the point where I’m at with this studio. It’s done. Everything has been butchered beyond repair. Everything in the MCU storyline has been destroyed. Everything I’ve cared about in the MCU and every action that has been taken by the characters has been rendered meaningless. This show literally strips any and all free will from all the characters, whom we previously thought were all making meaningful choices, as well as from any choices that will be made in the future.

Nothing the character’s did meant anything because every single choice they made was actually made for them at the whim of three fucking lizard people. And then later on, it’s revealed that the TVA has like 20 infinity stones and they just toss them into a draw like it’s nothing.

I am not fucking kidding. I wish I was making that up. Fuck me.

The world building this series spent 11 years in the making has been rendered pointless on a monumental scale. The entire continuity has been rendered meaningless. This entire show is built on a fundamentally broken premise. There is no saving it.

Honestly this series can get fucked with a cactus and I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit. I’m done. This show has officially broke me. I won’t be watching the rest of this series, and I can’t promise I’ll be watching anymore future MCU content unless they get their shit together.

The series that I’ve been with since I was 8 years old is so bad now that I don’t even wish to continue watching it anymore. What a sad fucking day.

  • Ithorian [comrade/them, null/void]
    4 years ago

    The shows tend to focus on the after math of big events more then the movies ever do. The entirety of Falcon and the Winter Soldier is focused on the aftermath of the snap.