I'm tired of getting called right-wing for saying that the media is lying, so I need to concretely back myself up. The fact that there isn't a genocide in china isn't working, as they trust the media. I keep pointing out how they intentionally didn't talk about the AIDs crisis or how bad it was, but they keep sayig lying by omission isn't lying. I want a couple more hard, concrete pieces to show that the media is lying, actively and constantly. Thanks for any help.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They lied to get us into the first gulf war, then they lied to get us to do it again a decade later. To paraphrase a quote I slightly remember, any dictator would kill to have a media apparatus as slavishly loyal as the US media is to our government. Anyone who steps outside the bounds of acceptable discourse is universally blacklisted, anyone who questions official narratives is labelled an extremist crank, and when the official narrative changes ten years later (as it did for the second Iraq War) everybody suddenly always held the new correct opinion.