my other theory is that he asked the powers beyond the veil for immortality in a ritual powered by the immense blood sacrifice of southeast Asians, but he forgot to ask for eternal youth
so there are multiple routes to a protein puddle at the end of the solar system
My personal theory is that he is currently being punished by having his greatest victory, the Sino-Soviet split, be reversed in front of his very eyes, and he has no power to stop any of it. The birth of the multipolar world will be the thing that finally lets him die.
Well fuck. Less than 12 hours after posting this, the fucker finally dies at the spry age of 100. Maybe I need to talk about more evil fucks in this way, just so the universe kills them to spite me.
I'm starting to think wishing for his death makes him stronger
He feeds on our hatred
Our hatred and a freezer full of Vietnamese and Cambodian blood
I sure hope not. Or Kissinger Protein Puddle 34038-0AX Sub-Group 903-2 DoubleBeta will still exist when the sun goes supernova.
my other theory is that he asked the powers beyond the veil for immortality in a ritual powered by the immense blood sacrifice of southeast Asians, but he forgot to ask for eternal youth
so there are multiple routes to a protein puddle at the end of the solar system
My personal theory is that he is currently being punished by having his greatest victory, the Sino-Soviet split, be reversed in front of his very eyes, and he has no power to stop any of it. The birth of the multipolar world will be the thing that finally lets him die.
Well fuck. Less than 12 hours after posting this, the fucker finally dies at the spry age of 100. Maybe I need to talk about more evil fucks in this way, just so the universe kills them to spite me.
I keep telling you people Kissenger is the only one alive today who will live to see global communism
Well don't you feel silly?
You did it! You willed it into existence
maybe Kissinger's phylactery was Charlie Munger