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But seriously, is anyone else tired of "man trapped in a woman's body"//"born this way" rhetoric? It feels like you're already bargaining from a standpoint of "theres nothing I could do about this, but if I could...."

i mean shit, i think i remember :pete: being asked a question about whether he'd take a shot that "cured gayness" and he said yes with his husband in the audience.

  • Lucas [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The argument that it's not a choice is such a defensive, apologetic stance. It also alienates bi and pan people who could theoretically choose heteronormative relationships and end up missing out on a side of themselves.

    And yeah, the choice narrative invites compromises and solutions that invite cures and treatments.

    Also also - "choice" is such a charged word in the US. I'd prefer not looking at my love life and identity with the same disingenuous framework they use to enforce oppression inherent in capitalism.