I’ve read much of the older classic stuff over the last few years, but I’ve found it hard to find good Marxist analysis of current events, or thinkers advancing Marxist theory/adapting it to our conditions. Are there any names in particular I should be looking out for?

  • DecolonizeCatan [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ecosocialism: John Bellamy Foster revived and extended Marx's idea of metabolic rift which is a great way to look at the ecological crisis and how it emerges from capitalist development.

    Economics: Andrew Kliman gives a convincing defense of Marx's system against the Transformation Problem critique and the empirical critiques of his crisis theory and the falling rate of profit.

    Imperialism: Zak Cope has developed an empirical and theoretical extension of the work of Samir Amin on imperialism and the labor aristocracy, the economics of how these things manifest in the 21st century, and what the implications are for socialist strategy.