It kinda seems like they’re just some fuckin YouTube dorks. I’m not really sure why everyone is acting like they’re a big deal.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Crowder is the "1940's racism but for 12 year olds" and "I'll debate anyone" and "change my mind" guy.

    Yelling at racist homophobic people for being bad doesn't work - they love it. The most effective attack against these IDW facts and logic dorks is literally "Debate Sam Seder you pussy"

    Sam Seder is the socdem podcast host who is famous for calmly debating libertarians and effortlessly deconstructing their worldview as just accidental proto-feudalism. One example, he had an actual Libertarian Party 2016 presidential primary candidate on his show, and the guy absolutely lost his mind and hung up.

    "Thank you for saying that, Sam, you're a horrible despicable person"