I was listening to an episode recently where they talked about the Lincoln Project for a very long time. But they seemed to focus on the guy actually producing the ads and only once, while reading an excerpt from a bio, did they mention that the tea-party was koch funded. And then they go right back to talking about these ads as if they were a divine and inspired vision of some guy that just so happened to be a former tea-party dickhead.

The people who funded the tea party and rightwing protectionists. Globalism as a boogie man isnt just about thinly-veiled antisemitism, it's also about Koch, Malone and Kroenke not wanting to have to compete with foreign private equity in their scheme to take over every industry. These guys funded and promoted the tea party with their fossil fuel money and media empires. And now the Lincoln Project is the same exact rhetoric and being produced by the same exact people and it seems like people want the story to be the content of the ads instead of the rightwing dipshits behind it.

The way they talk about USPS is the same. They keep talking about whats happening to the USPS as though that has anything to do with how or why it's happening or how we can stop it. Fedex and UPS have been $10+ million a year for decades in an effort to privatize the industry and trump is just the only guy dirty enough to take the heat for it.

Fedex Owner - Frederick W. Smith

Lobbying Totals: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/summary?id=d000000089&fbclid=IwAR1i048MvcLwAzOsSw3q4hZlEqEIpd_RlbnleTG9xYSJ091Tae8Ss75zMXI

UPS Owner - David P. Abney

Lobbying Totals: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/lobbying?id=D000000081&fbclid=IwAR0JKZf1fWDHewDxfZNTA5rbcoBhUWtPMAeFfSb9aFiQSijZ1LJJeNY6Ln4

if the media (which the chaps are a part of) was framing this as "Look at these two actual people using their money to take away a public good" it could actually change things. I think we need to go on the offense and make every single political issue about the financials beneficiaries.

What the donors want is politics. What politicians say they believe is just pop culture.

  • PhallicsJones [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You're not working towards a solution with the kind of reasoning you're employing here. Capitalism, theory and politics aren't real. They're vague ethereal concepts that we use to describe very real things, what humans do. We cannot ever deal with this shit via a theoretical frame works. Capitalism is a scam being perpetuated by actual human beings in their day to lives via massive institutional corruption. Targeting the people that keep capitalism going is the only realistic way of every having an effect on capitalism as a whole.

    It's sorta like corporate person-hood worked on a lot of us. We target 'industries' and 'corporations' with economic 'theory' instead of targeting the people at the top of the scam. John Malone is personally invested in every societal ill we have. And I can find a John Malone-type in every major industry. This man is exponentially more dangerous than the Koch network and almost no one even knows his name.

    Targeting capitalism instead of the worlds most powerful capitalists is like trying to catch the stream from a broken sink for the rest of your life instead of trying to stop the leak. Media and tech oligarchs build and maintain a fascist-making machine (called pop culture) and we need to focus on stopping them from making new nazis.