• mr_world [they/them]
    4 years ago
    • Big box retailers murdered small businesses and consequently a variety of physical retail locations.
    • The dot com years brought about online retailers who were propped up by the government in the subsequent bubble burst
    • The internet sought to replace physical mail with electronic mail
    • Physical letter mail declines, packages increase.
    • Online retailers begin changing the landscape. Even fewer physical locations to buy goods as stores move completely online.
    • Commercial real estate declines
    • More mail is now packages than letter mail. People depend on deliveries now more than ever.
    • Major online retailers already own the mail system implicitly through tough contracts
    • Once the system is privatized, and people have few to no choices in physical shopping, the system gains a larger market.
    • Private companies are free to then fight over who gets to own it. DeJoy's company will take a large chunk and then sell off the less profitable parts to others.
    • Amazon will pull out their big swinging dick and buy out De Joy's share because they have the money to do it. They're very into vertical integration.

    When there's a gold rush don't mine gold, sell the shovels. This is going to happen. I think both Pelosi and Feinstein have family who are tied to privatization efforts via the Kochs. So there's not going to be a real opposition. That's why Biden's admin hasn't done anything yet. We're about to see the birth of a future trillionaire family. We're going to be hearing about DeJoy's kids or grandkids running for President in 40 years.