I've just been using chain salons for over half my life, so I'm used to strolling in and getting a quick, cheap cut and being done with it.

Lately I've had an urge to get a better quality haircut, but I just can't bring myself to walk into a barber shop, for some reason. No idea what to ask for, or even if I need to call ahead.

I get anxiety over the weirdest shit

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    When I was in the army we would go off post to get better haircuts. My soldier at the time was from Oakland and asked for a ride to his barbershop, and I needed one as well.

    I, a 20 year old, pale white, dirty blonde hair, loser from Indiana learned that day that not all hair is the same. And cuts don’t necessarily apply across the board.