• 5bicycles [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I also love to share images from the buttmad-german-nationalist-spheres.

    Don't get me wrong, there's cool football fan communities within germany but whenever the EM or WM starts you just see a rise in dumbfuck nationalism here that actually corellates to minorities being assaulted.

    Yeah, the tweets in this image are fucking shit. So are 80% of the tweets of the german football sphere. They never stopped being super racist about the 7:1 against brazil a few years back.

    Football fans on a national level, by and large, suck major fucking ass because it's not about the footy, it's about the nationalism. This entire country, and again, the football sphere, had an entire shitfit about not putting the rainbow colours on a stadium to own those savages in the east, the hungarians, and then went right back to largely being homophobic shitbags.

    There's no good fandom for a national team.