(obviously it privileged to think everyone can just pull up stakes and move to Italy, but it's equally naive to think we can magically turn the us into a first world country by voting harder)

  • Incremental_anarchist [he/him, he/him]
    10 months ago

    I have a trans friend who lives in Italy and they are very very right leaning and transphobic over there. The friend herself spouts some pretty conservative takes every so often, like when she told my wife, who doesn't have a job, that she thinks those without jobs don't deserve housing or health care... Which was especially insulting because we'd been letting her stay with us for free as well.

    Point is, I don't think Americans escaping to Italy makes sense

    • the_kid
      9 months ago

      I remember watching an Anthony Bourdain episode of him going to Rome. the entire episode was about how much everyone there still loved Mussolini and how big a problem it was.