Stolen from :reddit-logo: ShitLiberalsSay

Karl Marx isn't just not aligned with american values, read his manifesto and the principles of communism and a few other writings then compare that to the founders of america their declaration of independence,, Constitution, letters, pamphlets. It seems as of Karl Marx literally wrote the opposite of what the founders wrote and called that good, Marx is exact opposite of america. Worse, he pushes communism which itself comes from socialism. Socialism was first published in 1509, socialism isn't progressive its regressive. Bottom line is America threw off the nonsense of the old world feudalism and moved forward. Karl Mark is pushing socialism, which itself is Feudalism, it is elites in charge of a serf class, doling out subsistence to keep them alive enough to work. The only difference between feudalism and socialism is who the Elites are. America is not feudalism, communism is feudalism and simply is not compatible with america