Research from the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) confirms younger people are hostile to capitalism and hold positive views of socialist alternatives. The new paper should act as a “wake up call” to supporters of the market economy. The rejection of capitalism may be an abstract aspiration – but so too was Brexit. A Forefront Market … Continue reading "67 per cent of young Brits want a socialist economic system, finds new poll"
Which is why polls like this are extremely unreliable to the point of being meaningless. It means young people want to return to an older type of welfare liberalism that is never coming back, which is what "socialism" has come to mean because of appropriation of the term by certain actors; not that they actually understand what "socialism" means.
Which is why polls like this are extremely unreliable to the point of being meaningless. It means young people want to return to an older type of welfare liberalism that is never coming back, which is what "socialism" has come to mean because of appropriation of the term by certain actors; not that they actually understand what "socialism" means.