I've disliked, refused channel recommendation, report videos, etc, yet shit like this clogs up my homepage.

We need :youtube-logo: but it says "Der Sturmer" or something

edit: the channel post above is my feelings

  • Tervell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I got that same video recommended to me too. I clicked it, thinking it was some kind of skit (I mean look at those dipshits walking around like that, it can't possibly be serious), then scrolled down to the comments and saw it was all "look at those demonic SJWs recoiling away from the sacred cross" and noped out.

    I don't even know what put that in my recommendations. I'm used to occasionally getting dumb anti-SJW stuff, but it's typically media-related (say I watch a butch of anime clips and end up getting some stuff about the latest "controversy"). I have no idea what I watched that YouTube's algorithm thought was similar to this.

    Fortunately I've managed to now populate my recommendations with Columbo clips after watching a bunch of Gianni Matragrano videos and going on a binge, but who knows how long that will last.