Labor has value and employers pay for it. They know that if they don’t, the shop down the street will, because it’s worth it to have competent employees who show up to work.

Your belief that an employer would risk losing a valuable employee to save a few books shows how little respect and understanding you have for anyone in business.


Christ this fucking person is all over this thread insisting that management is infallible

Update with more trash:

Ok friend, let’s work this out. A widget is worth $1.00. You can get it at the hardware store or on Amazon for the same price. But this widget has elastic demand.

A single employee can make 30 widgets in an hour. With materials, amortized equipment costs and overhead, the most the employee can make is $13.00 an hour. This allows there to be room for $.05 profit on the widget and $.10 in markup at retail.

But you think that everyone deserves $15.00 an hour. So you use government to force widgetco to pay their $13 an hour employee $15. The employee doesn’t produce more widgets, and overhead didn’t decrease. However, the retailer now needs a $.15 markup to raise all their wages.

There isn’t enough profit in the production of widgets to raise the wages to the level you demand. The market will not pay $1.25 for a widget. So now there are no widgets, no jobs, and widgetco is out of business.

The employer was paying what the market would bear. But you don’t understand these simple economic concepts. You think because widgetco made $1 billion in profit last year (off the sale of 20 billion widgets) that they are evil and greedy. But now, there are a shit ton of people out of work.

There is a middle ground between management and labor and the popular phrase around Reddit of “well if they can’t afford to pay more then they shouldn’t be in business” is not it. Oh, also the same people who bitch whenever the price of anything increases.

This fuckface needs to take their strawman of a toy model and shove it up their ass. If these "simple economic concepts" held any water, then we wouldn't need anything more. But no, asshats like this fella like to circlejerk over how rational consumers are and won't hesitate to utter that "the markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" in the same breath.

  • Diestar [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My manager gets profit sharing. The more he nickel and dimes us and cuts corners the more he gets paid