Game: Krasnacht, a mod for Hearts of Iron 4

Post title: New Ideology idea: Situationism. Born out of the ashes of the Second Weltkrieg, this semi-anarchist movement of avant-garde artists believes in socialist art as the only road to victory against the Bourgeois & Reactionary nations known as "The Spectacle"

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Debord shits on anarchism and Marxism Leninism equally. His whole theory of spectacle seems to be just the analysis of propaganda and it's evolution in both capitalist and socialist states, with the final form taking a hybrid state of diffuse (advertising everywhere) and concentrated (cults of personality) where everyone is leading their own cult of personality. Which is basically the internet.

    He calls for praxis that rejects the system of integrated spectacle and returns to something else, which gives me 19th century utopian socialist vibes when they wanted to return to a "friendly feudalism".

    Also read Comments on Society of the Spectacle, it's written more like a regular book.