In fact, in every single case that we were able to research fully, we found a convincing connection between a mystery package and an earlier order.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    that one meme where the kid creates cutouts of monsters, carefully sets them up, and then lies in the middle of them shaking in fear

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's actually utterly ridiculous how much shit people order. Folks out here really got packages showing up every single day, not remembering what they ordered, can hardly keep track of what they got, why they got it and where theyre going to put it. Online shopping is a legit addiction for a ton of people, my dad being one of those people. It's sad, it's like he is filling the void of not really having real friends and hobbies for just packages. He is always trying to tell me about some new shit he got and it's genuinely very depressing tbh

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      3 years ago

      loneliness is and abstract feeling, so it takes weird shapes in people's lives. Most emotions have a direct and recognizable source, you get angry because you hurt yourself stubbing your toe, you feel sad because your kids don't want to open up to you, you feel happy ranges are half off. loneliness doesn't track as nicely because it doesn't come from an event but a series of lack of events. You have a lonely day that's one things, you can just say "no one came by today, that's why I feel lonely." But when you see people, maybe just at the store or at work, and keep not connecting to them, that's not something you can see as easily, but steadily builds up over time. Some people get hobbies to fill that empty time in their life, and hopefully they make friends through that. Some just get married and have kids so there are people and things in their lives. And then some people fall down a horrible rabbit hole and end up decoding Q messages or reading the turner diaries. Now they have a community and anger in place of that horrible void. It hurts, it drives whatever friends and family they once had further away, but its all they can conceive of doing. This is all just some armchair thinking, so take it or leave it if you like, but it's what I believe is going on and it just makes me sad.

      and some white people just think there's a conspiracy because their wildest dreams haven't been met while they sit on daddy's payroll.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    hm i'm beginning to think that the industries and institutions which purport to keep us more informed than ever before are in fact repeating our worst fears and prejudices back to us so we're no more connected to Current Events than a 1920s farmer living in the middle of nowhere listening to a staticky radio broadcast about encroaching Mexican banditos.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    3 years ago

    John Roberts, a retired railway worker who lives 100 miles to the south, replied within the hour; he’d gotten some seeds the previous week. He’d called the local police, who came and picked them up, telling Roberts they’d investigate the seeds and then burn them.


    “I ain’t never seen anything it looked like,” Crenshaw told me. “It was about 14 inches long and four or five inches round.” He broke one open; its flesh smelled sweet. His grandson wanted to taste it, but Crenshaw vetoed this. “Nah, better not.”

    Crenshaw dutifully contacted Channel 5. It was hardly surprising that the station, upon hearing that a local man had not only planted mystery seeds but now had fully grown plants laden with mystery fruit, was interested. Crenshaw was filmed standing next to the plants, explaining about the MiracleGro and how “they just started growing crazy.” As the camera panned over the leaves, a voice-over explained: “Experts are unsure what this plant really is, but the concern is it turning out to be an invasive species, which could hurt local agriculture.”

    This is like a Rick Moody story

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Member when under Obama people were freaking out because meat producers started marking their stuff halal purely for expanding into Muslim markets. The chuds started shidding and farding that Sharia law had come to their local grocer. This shit isn't a coincidence. I bet we're going to see a lot more of this kind of stuff being amplified.

  • kissinger
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator