So I know quite a few people that have comfy office jobs that absolutely do not require them to be physically present in the office. And these people also can't really get fired (cuz of the kind of job, family/friend connections, etc.).

But when they were talking about going back to the office, they just didn't have any courage to stand up to their bosses/managers. They just say "well the boss says we gotta go back in." Whenever I push back and tell them "yeah but you won't get fired so why not just put your foot down" there's no response other than "yeah....."

I swear man even a global pandemic with new variants on the rise doesn't seem to be working on my IRLs. I fully understand if you work in a job that requires you to be there (such as a medical worker, etc.) you might not have choice. And I know what it's like to work at these dumb ass office-style jobs. But to see people who have quite a bit of leverage just becoming pushovers is super disheartening...