Like, after we drive ourselves off a cliff because of the natural world reacting to our bullshit, shrugging us off like insects, I'm dying to find out about the next epoch following the Anthropocene.
The next sentient species to roam the Earth, be it a million years from now....will they learn about us, will they enact communism? Will they actually live the lives that no species on this planet ever managed to live?
Shit, forget about the extinction of humanity. In the unlikely instance that civilization and humanity doesn't collapse, it hurts to know I won't be alive for a true communist utopia. Because it will come one day, it's inevitable. But it's sure as shit not happening within our lifetimes.
there's actually a greater than zero chance that you will have an idea of what will succeed humanity if we get our shit together to genetically uplift thumbs onto dolphins or put symbolic language genes into magpies or something before we all die
Given recent developments in research into octopus social structures and intelligence, I would vote for them if we HAD to uplift an aquatic species (which would a massive pain in the ass given the difficulty of industrializing underwater given the obvious impediments to combustion). We would be wise to choose our inheritor species based on the likelihood it would succeed in becoming interstellar