I notice lots of them getting so hyped and excited about the democrats including women in the draft

One of their comments as an example: "I informed a woman today that women will soon have to be signed up for selective service and she looked like a deer in the headlights. Equality:)"


  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    They contend that women actually enjoy a privileged position in society and would balk if faced with real equality: like registering for the draft. Of course women don't want to be drafted. Fucking nobody wants to be drafted, including these guys. But they're treating it as an affirmation of their worldview and enjoying that women will suffer one of the burdens of maleness now too, rather than using this as an opportunity to advocate for the removal of forced military service for all.

    Anyway, don't worry about it, go do something nice for your draft card.