I notice lots of them getting so hyped and excited about the democrats including women in the draft

One of their comments as an example: "I informed a woman today that women will soon have to be signed up for selective service and she looked like a deer in the headlights. Equality:)"


  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The whole deal with MRA's is they will bring up legitimate issues men face but only as an excuse to hate women or whine about how hard it for men without actually wanting to improve conditions for people. They want to win the oppression olympics more than they want to help others.

    So you see them whining about how unfair the draft is but they don't want it gone because "women must suffer as well"

    So you see them harp on and on about how the vast majority of workplace injuries/death are suffered by men (which is true) but they don't seem interested in demanding safer workplaces to reduce these kinds of problems.

    So you see them get into unbridled fury at false rape accusations levied at men and male rape victims (who often aren't taken seriously) but they show no sympathy to female rape victims.

    They don't want a world that's better for everyone, they want things to stay the same so they can keep having a legitimate excuse to constantly whine about how hard it is for men and how sexism (against women) isn't real.