pinkertons can't run the factory. The fastest way to ship something down a gravity well is by dropping it. Workers will have to set up the computers that drop things to earth. during a strike, just set up a blockade against the spinkertons and start orbital bombardment.
The novel "the moon is a harsh mistress" by Heinlein is a really good book about a lunar revolution that employs space bombardment. It also features pedophilia because heinlein was a libertarian.
Two words: Space Pinkertons.
pinkertons can't run the factory. The fastest way to ship something down a gravity well is by dropping it. Workers will have to set up the computers that drop things to earth. during a strike, just set up a blockade against the spinkertons and start orbital bombardment.
Whatever you wanna fantasize, I was just clarifying my initial comment because you brought up pedophilia for some reason.
The novel "the moon is a harsh mistress" by Heinlein is a really good book about a lunar revolution that employs space bombardment. It also features pedophilia because heinlein was a libertarian.
Ah, gotcha.
Yeah, sorry for the confusion.
No worries.