Dont be a weird “pick-me” that dunks on neurodivergent people because you specifically can just eat whatever.

This doesn’t mean “I’m scared of vegetables” by the way, vegetables are fine, I just can’t have sensory-weird shit in general. Straight vegetables are easy, honestly.

That is all

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Alright, here we go. We're devoting all of your available brain cells to coming up with a question about communism. Scratch that, to coming up with the question about communism, the alpha and omega of communism questions, and that question is:

    RHETORIC [Heroic: Failure]

    (Whisper.) "Are autists bourgeois?"

    • WithoutFurtherBelay
      9 months ago

      yes I’m vagueposting about someone’s comment I’m salty about, but I think it’s fair to vaguepost about it