It's so frustrating when you are looking for posts to secure your browser or mobile and it's filled with comments like "Le gubberment bad". Or how not platforming Nazis is "1984 censorship george orwell"! I mean, from a Marxist point of view, distrusting the US government is good but the reasons that these rats give for their actions is infuriating to read.

  • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    This is actually common among IT field, so not just cyber security and privacy.

    Most IT dorks, from devs to helpdesk, grew up reading sci fi. Quite a few of those authors are libertarian, like Heinlein, Neal Stephenson, etc. They like what they read so the IT dorks get indoctrinated into their favorite authors beliefs, which happens to be libertarian beliefs, so the dorks check out libertarian stuff and eventually get into Any Rand. From there it's a downward spiral. Add the early 80s hacker ethos into the mix and you get cyber security nerds who are libertarian.

    One thing I've noticed though is that those dorks with tiny bit of self awareness and social consciousness tend to pull out of their spiral due to realizing they're being insufferable asshats and not wanting to die alone. Sometimes, it's because a friend gave them a different author to read like Octavia Butler, and it helped pull them out.

    TL;DR Most IT dorks are scifi nerds and most scifi is written by libertarian authors. Indoctrination, pure and simple.