I think everyone here believes 9/11 conspiracies to a certain extent. Hell, I think most people believe in certain variations of them. The extent of which is where your mileage may vary.
- Bush/Cheney/Rumself knew about it and intentionally did nothing to stop it
- The Saudis did it
These two are pretty universally accepted in these circles (and beyond them). But I'm curious to where everyone here feels about the more nitty gritty theories:
Do you believe that the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld-lead cabal actively coordinated in ways to make it easier for the hijackings to be successful (such as disrupting the NORAD response, intentionally allowing the hijackers into the country and coordinating freely, etc...)
Do you believe in the controlled demolition theory?
Do you believe Flight 93 was shot down?
Do you think the people the official narrative claims were flying the planes were actually flying the planes? This seems to breakdown to two different scenarios:
- The hijackers were never actually flying the plane (Which is a theory I don't support)
- The hijackers were "flying" the plane but it was actually being piloted as an autonomous drone (I think this is way more likely)
Do you believes the planes that crashed into the buildings weren't actually the reported planes and the passengers were disposed by other means?
Do you believe a missile hit the Pentagon?
Do you believe that certain people were aware of what was going to happen and tipped off about it, allowing them to execute lucrative securities trading?
For me, I believe:
- That the involvement of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld-lead cabal definitely took active measures to make sure it succeeds
- Flight 93 was shot down
- The planes were being autonomously piloted
I am agnostic to the controlled demolition theories. The physics and engineering component of it goes a bit over my head, so I'm left to trusting certain peoples analysis. I've seen people I trust provide arguments for both sides.
I'm curious to hear where everyone else falls on this spectrum?
I do also accept that Bush and co. were inept enough to not have seen 9/11 coming but profited off a tragedy in order to make a killing off two wars.
Yeah I could buy that.
Wasn't there some leak that Clinton had sent over a report saying that Bin Laden was planning a major terror attack? I could see them doing any of not caring or thinking that it'd be small and they could still use it for invading multiple countries in the middle east.
Never let a good tragedy go to waste!
in July the FBI put out a memo that Al-Queda connected people were taking flight lessons in the states, and in August Bush got tipped off by MI5 that there was a plot to hijack a plane, but it was considered that it would be held hostage for the release of an Al Queda guy's release from Prison. Flight Hijackings used to happen like that, you'd be like "I'm the captain now," and make them land in Cuba or hold the plane ransom for something. I'm pretty sure that's what Bush thought would happen and thought he was letting happen in order to build a base of public support to do more imperialism in the Middle East and Central Asia. The rest was just kind of Cool Zone vibes.