I can't even do fractions I need to learn the basics all that way up to advanced trig in less then 4 months help.

Edit: Damn guys, I didn't expect such so many helpful responses. Thank you :meow-hug:

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Trig’s probably also different in programming computers and other shit but I never learned that

    You have a position (x, y) and want to know where a new position a certain angle and distance from it is.

    newX = x + distance * cos(angle)

    newY = y + distance * sin(angle)

    Now you want to know the angle from (x, y) to (newX, newY)

    angle = atan2(newY - y, newX - x)

    If you don't have atan2, you curse the name of whoever designed this programming language, then go copy it from anywhere else, because regular atan is very silly.

    This is all the trig you will ever need to do any computer programming that involves trig. Even if you get super deep into geometry stuff, you'll switch to vector math instead.

    • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
      4 years ago

      trig is also important in computer graphics. Like for vector rotations, building projection matrices etc