Unconfirmed reports that some black block anti-fascist folks may have shot a fascist Proud Boy leader "Tiny Toese" in the ankle in Olympia, Washington pic.twitter.com/wL6EgCOtW7— Ben Rubinstein 🇵🇸 (@BlekingBen) September 4, 2021
ankle, that is. this is why target practice is important
I just read the Wikipedia and its hilarious. "Its safe because the only way to disengage the safety is to pull the trigger" what kinda bumps do you expect a standing person to have that would fire this thing? I know its Austrian but this is what america deserves lol
I just read the Wikipedia and its hilarious. "Its safe because the only way to disengage the safety is to pull the trigger" what kinda bumps do you expect a standing person to have that would fire this thing? I know its Austrian but this is what america deserves lol