Elie Mystal is a lib lawyer. But he understands the enormity of the GOP justices eviscerating Roe. He's been critical of Biden's inaction and he has been suggesting radical solutions. Last week he tweeted out a simple way for Biden to use an executive order to stop the Texas anti-abortion law.
I edited it for clarity.
Texas wants to get cute with the law, fine. Let's play:
The Texas enforcement mechanism has citizens suing abortion providers, but qualified immunity protects government officials from being sued for carrying out official functions. So - all Joe Biden has to do is establish, by executive order, federal "privacy protectors" who are ordered to provide constitutionally protected services in Texas. Like the vaccine distribution BUT FOR ABORTION.
These people couldn't be sued because of qualified immunity.
You get around the Hyde Amendment by making abortions free, of course. And only paying the privacy protectors for their counselling services. Any medical procedure they'd have to do out of their own pocket which I'm sure we could privately fund.
He tweeted the following today. I don't have any idea at all what "increased" means. A few more missives? A dozen? Dozens? Still, it's fascinating...
Me: Interesting that the amount of hate I'm getting online and in my inbox has increased a lot since people started noticing my abortion takes.
Wife: Is it though?
Me: I mean from "democrats" too.
Wife: Are they men?
Me: Yeah.
Wife: ...
Me: Yeah.
He could be a Catholic fundie. In fact - I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case and he kept everything top secret for political reasons.
I googled... He became a senator when he was 29 in 1973. And ~3 weeks after he was sworn in - Roe was decided.
he also voted to let states decide on abortion rights during a tense vote in the... I wanna say 1980s
yeah 1981