Four things I noticed in the trailer:

  1. In NPH psychiatrists office, he has butterflies and little glass baubles that are red and blue respectively that sit opposite of one another. I wonder if the implication is that he is the one who created/wrote the code of the red and blue pills.

  2. We see the machine's operating on Neo's body in a series of flashcuts and his eyes are burnt and sealed shut just like in this is 100% a resurrection in the literal sense. The machines can grow human beings so this honestly isn't that out there.

  3. We see trinities body in "the real world" (pin in that one). She has a tube connected to her head with blue LEDS....not unlike the blue pills actually. She also has what almost looks like blue code running down her face, although that could just be a trick of lighting and her being covered in liquid of some kind.

  4. We see a videoprojector in a room playing the first matrix film.

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Pure speculation but for what its worth from a matrix fanboy who is a diehard sequel and wachowski apologist hear me out:

    I noticed that also and I suspect that sinking feeling you have is very much intentional. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie aims to intentionally subvert and dissect the endless corporate remakes and reboots that define the past 20 years of hollywood. I don't know exactly how that plays out but just listen to groffs ending monologue and his delivery. "Really....all these years....and we're going back to the matrix?!??!?"

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The fact that the old Matrix movie is playing in the background of a scene this one is absolutely an attempt at doing the State and Revolution opening line thing about how the revolutionaries of their time are subsumed by the ruling order and made toothless.

      Wouldn't be surprising if this movie tries to address primarily the way the originals were twisted to be pro-war and the imagery was stolen and used by fascists.

      • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm so fucking down if that's the intent. It makes a lot of sense with the idea that neo seems to be doing pretty damn well for himself in this version of the matrix as opposed to working a dead end job. He may be a standin for the tech revolutionaries who thought they were liberating the world through online spaces but just wound up being subsumed by the same oppressive systems.