to the tune of "Money for Nothing"
'Copter fuel's expensive
But the pits are free
petition to have this wiped from db down the track so that someone else can legitimately use it
You can tell someone is a chud because literally only chuds talk like this.
Show me your dick or log off.
You are sexually harassing me, I'm more than offended, triggered, and absolutely repulsed.
Only chuds say "I'm triggered", literally no one else does
Because you sound fucking stupid and it's really cringe that you can't even come up with a good bit
Yes, I'm invalidating your feelings, what the fuck lol? I am once again asking the wreckers, do you have any idea where you are? Here, I've got something for your feelings
Would you just leave? Honestly folks, the chuds are not sending their best.
It's like, jeez, make a new bit, at least some of them are kind of interesting, but this is just dull and overdone