On August 15, Justin Trudeau called a snap election with the hope of regaining a Liberal majority. His confidence in his ability to do so was based on the fact that most Canadians think the government has handled the pandemic well. However, polling has indicated that his edge in this is actually razor thin over the Conservative Party and the largest gains by far were to the NDP and PPC.

Holy shit this is so fucking dumb. Nobody gives a shit about this election, Justin, why the hell did you do this? You clearly just wanted to try and make use of that post-pandemic popularity bump that a number of governments seem to be getting, following actually handling the pandemic competently, but you didn't do a god damned thing, did you Justin? The only people that actually did anything were the NDP, and you thought? YOU THOUGHT? We saw through that shit, dumbass, and now you actually stand a chance to lose your plurality to the fucking Conservatives.

Results are coming in here

CBC polling

Comprehensive list of resources for those in need of an abortion :feminism:

Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Come listen to music with your fellow Hexbears in Cy.tube :og-hex-bear:

Queer stuff? Come talk in the Queer version of the megathread ! :sicko-queer:

Monthly Neurodiverse Megathread and Monthly ND Venting Thread :Care-Comrade:

Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

!labour@hexbear.net :iww:

!emoji@hexbear.net :meow-anarchist: :meow-tankie:

!libre@hexbear.net :libretion:

Question for the day here. One winner and sorry for getting back late, everyone :rat-salute: @biden.

Previous answer

butcher is 48, the baker is 42 and the candlestick maker is 60

Two diesel ships

Two diesel ships leave a pier simultaneously, the Stepan Razin downstream and the Timiryazev upstream, with the same motive force. As they leave, a life buoy falls off the Stepan Razin and floats downstream. An hour later both ships are ordered to reverse course. Will the Stepan Razin's crew be able to pick up the buoy before the ships meet?

Like usual have fun :soviet-heart: and remember to dm @Wmill the answer.

Seriously though, this election is so dumb. :kkkanada:

  • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Omg "We're putting the thread in megathread bitches" is the perfect title!

    I wonder if one of us has a secret admirer and thats why we're getting the extra upvote 👁 its interesting that they know we're talking about them snd they still haven't said who they are 👁👁👁

    I wasn't even thinking about how to tie it into a relevant theme! You're really :galaxy-brain: that works so well for an intro before the actual craft stuff. It would be a great way to set ourselves up for other fiber arts threads too!

    Would you think it fits better in history or diy? I feel like it could go either way but I would like to encourage people to post in diy more. Obvs whatever you prefer is fine.

    I agree with being soft lol, I think that's why the commune idea is so appealing. Like yeah you guys chop wood and ill set back feminism by like 200 years and spin some yarn by the fire lol

    How did you make your own knives??? Like actually blacksmithing? Thats so fucking cool



    • communiste [she/her,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      i'll have to respond more in depth later, but i agree that c/diy is the place to do it. would also love to encourage others to share, i have a feeling we have some super creative people lurking on this site

      • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I swear I wasn't ignoring your reply I just thought you'd go back and edit it and I didn't want to rush you :crush:

        And yeah we should do it there! When it was more active there were some really great posts. Maybe the spider hags can encourage more activity :sicko-fem: :sicko-fem:

        • communiste [she/her,comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          i promise i haven't forsaken Spider Hag Gang (4 life), just dealing with some irl shit at the moment :cri: i had to commit the ultimate sin of logging out

          good news though, my friend serendipitously sent me a meme of Marx using a spinning wheel so we'll have a perfect image for the spinning thread! also, do you know who we need to talk to for proposing our mega? would that be the c/diy mods?

          hope you're having a good week! :meow-hug:

          • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            Oh no, I hope things get better soon :meow-hug: if you feel comfortable im always here for my fellow spider hag :cat-trans:

            I'll edit this comment in a little bit with the link to the megathread post, we'll also need to chose a date for it. Preferably a few days before we do it so I can prepare lol

            That pictures sounds great! Do you want to make the actual post and then I'll send you my writing and links to the resources? I can also make it if you want to send me the picture. I dont think we need to talk to the mods but I can ask one of them.


            My week has been good! I finished knitting my cardigan and its drying now :meow-knit: I'm gonna do some more spinning before starting some socks for my bf :sicko-fem:


            SPIDER HAG GANG FOR LIFE :sicko-fem:🕷🕸🕷🕷