• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    It’s interesting to note that, while many discourage comparing the meat industry to the Shoah, many survivors and writers have themselves compared the Shoah to the meat industry. Jack Sittsamer, for example, said that many Jews marched to the Mielec Airport ‘were herded into box cars, like cattle.’ Jacques Stroumsa summarized the Reich’s concentration camps as ‘intended to completely destroy the human personality and to reduce it to a number tattooed on the skin, like animals in a slaughterhouse.

    While I find it extremely unlikely that armed forces will end the meat industry, the increasing popularity of meat alternatives will surely reduce its size to the fringes and render it a margin of its former self (as it should be).

    • KomradeK@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Yep, I prefer Lukashenko over Putin. Can’t believe he was almost president of Russia, I wonder what kind of difference it would have made if it actually happened. Maybe Russia would have a lot more nationalised industry and less oligarchs.

    • ComradeChopin@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Lukashenko is as based as a non-commie leader of a Post-Soviet state can get. The whole conspiracy around Putin secretly being a commie applies way better to Lukashenko. He probably isn't really, but he's still miles better than Putin since he prevented Belarus from privatizing too many state assets like other Post-Soviet states and preserved many Soviet symbols. Hell, it's for these reasons that the Communist Party of Belarus supports his government! Can Putin say the same? You think you know Lukashenko better than the commies actually living in Belarus?

      Here's an entire book about Lukashenko and Belarus.
