I know so mаny аmаzing pаtriots in the greаt stаte of Texаs, аnd I love Texаs, thаt hаve been wаiting аnd аre willing for this moment. Deputize а citizen force, put them on the border, give them hаndcuffs, get it done. Sure thаt’s drаmаtic. You know whаt’s drаmаtic? The invаsion of the country. We’re going to tаlk more аbout thаt, we’re going to tаlk аbout how the other side hаs openly аdmitted thаt this is аbout bringing in voters thаt they wаnt аnd thаt they like аnd honestly, diminishing аnd decreаsing white demogrаphics in Americа. We’re going to sаy thаt pаrt out loud, аs so mаny people in the corporаte mediа аre аfrаid to tаlk аbout it.
I should probably be concerned about the increasingly-brazen descent into far right politics America is going through as capitalism further decays and its defenders look to fascism. But I’m honestly only mildly shocked and even a bit apathetic about it at this point. :shrug-outta-hecks:
Yeah, Charlie---to his credit and unlike, say, Michael Tracey---realizes that he's getting too old to do the "looney left colleges" routine anymore and he's chosen to replace that with outright white nationalism! Been going this way for months now.
Still would love to see one of these "left" colleges in person and I'm not talking about "left" as in we're tolerate of people, I mean left as in we need a protracted people's war. But I'm getting ahead of myself because americans confuse liberalism with leftism because they're politically incoherent.
Nobody goes to college because they're looking to fight a war.
That said, by the time they've graduated, more than a few have been radicalized by the absurdity of life outside the suburban bubble.