The thread was too long to screen cap all of it, there is a lot more with links too

Here is the rebuttal article if you prefer to just read that

Anyways, follow Alec, he posts a ton of good stuff like this and is pretty active

      • YouKnowIt [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Can't believe that you're erasing the CIA goons that got too brain ray gunned to qualify for the Minority Report Tanks 🙄

    • mayo_cider [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That was when they were inbetween jobs, isn't the usual retirement pipeline Blackwater et al. for the operators and manufacturing consent for the analysts? Working as police was most likely a refreshing change of pace, getting your hands dirty committing atrocities instead of just planning and reporting on/propagandizing them. Not every desk jockey can make the cut for spec-ops and committing murder abroad, but working for the police doesn't have such strict requirements (for the reporting/committing murder just as much as getting hired).