Christmas Edition!

    9 months ago

    I am so glad I gave myself a pep talk and booked a solo restaurant lunch today. Was going to do a solo picnic but that would not have worked. Was so anxious about being the weirdo on their own but no-one cares and I have a lovely little treat. And it's walking distance so no wet roads to deal with.

    Cheers all

    9 months ago

    Looks like covid is keeping me home.

    It's pizza and tv and web surfing for me 😸 No being baited by haters, no name calling at me under people's breath. Would have been nice to see the kids tho and the young generation.

    also, the Phantom Furry Toe Tickler struck again this morning while I was asleep. This is a case for Seagoon!! ( It was Ted Cat )

    9 months ago

    Chrissy do was decent

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    My cheesecake didn't look as good as it did at first when next to all the delicious desserts everyone else bought

    Always nerve inducing meeting new people, especially when I'm the only person there that doesn't know everyone else, but it is pretty easy to get involved if people give you an in

      9 months ago

      Glad to know you had a good enough experience in the end, good on you for going a bit beyond your comfort zone :)

    9 months ago

    Tried to sponsor a Numbat for you all, but something is b0rked. Some other day I guess. *removed externally hosted image*

  • bull⚡
    9 months ago

    Finally home! I got to bring home all of the leftover meat so imma have turkey, pork and ham sammiches for like a week. Time to nap forever goodbye.

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  • StudSpud The
    9 months ago

    Was meant to go to Seymour to camp with the fam this Christmas; I bailed last night because the forecast looked bad, and I just can't be fucked sitting around in the wet lol

    Looks like more rain for all of us is coming, so I don't feel so bad, it was the right decision.

    Now I have the cat purring and drooling on me, making biscuits; he seems very, very happy I am here to be his bed lol

    Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas!

    Mickey wishes you all a Merry Christmas as well

    *removed externally hosted image*

      9 months ago

      Merry Christmas! We’ve missed you around here!

      Also good call, the weather isn’t looking that great for a camp unless you’re really into it.

      It’s amazing how your cat manages to be comfortable in the most uncomfortable of positions for sleeping.

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      9 months ago

      Very good call, I just drove through that area and it was bucketing down. At home with Mickey sounds like a much better option.

    9 months ago

    I survived xmas.


    Jeez there were a few d & m's though.. Things be rough out there for a few of those exteneded family people. relationship stuff.. I hope they work it out. I am not equipped to help with that correctly. I think that showed but thats okay.

      9 months ago

      A congratulatory chillo for you for traversing such complicated landscapes with skill and awareness. 🌶 🥇

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    I'm glad I decided not to stay overnight at my parent's place and can sleep in my own bed tonight. It's a lot of driving for one day, but at least I will get a good night's sleep.

      9 months ago

      I've stayed overnight for two nights because it's a fair drive, but wish I'd only stayed one - I'm pretty desperate to head home because honestly I haven't even been back in Melbourne for a week since being interstate for 13 days. And I am definitely hitting my limit of toddler/child-centred family interactions

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    Well, I got the dog walk in before the rain started but it looks like it will be a long wet drive to Christmas lunch this year.

    I wish everyone in the DT a happy and safe Christmas day.

    Remember drive to the conditions if out on the roads, check your gas BBQ connections for leaks before lighting it, and don't use gas or charcoal BBQs in an enclosed space. Plus remember knives are sharp and to keep your fingers out of the way when chopping vegetables or carving the turkey. (does it show that I work in Emergency Services? 🤣)

      9 months ago

      I got the lawns done (and the neighbours nature strips) trimmed just before it started raining. They are going to come back nice and thick this time for next week.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        9 months ago

        The grass is definitely growing strongly at the moment. The neighbour's gardener (who normally does my nature strip as well) would probably have been coming today if it was not Christmas. Not sure when he will be coming next, but I have been gifted my parent's battery powered mower that they no longer use, so it is still long on Friday I will be able to give it a cut then. Weather and work will stop any chance of doing it sooner.

      9 months ago

      Merry Christmas to those who choose to spend the day by themselves and those who spend Christmas alone due to other reasons.

      For those who struggle this time of year, just relax in your favourite comfy chair and favourite warm blankey and listen to the rain. You can make it through to Wednesday…

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    Looks like the garden got some decent rain overnight for Christmas.

    I did wake up at one point overnight and could hear a strange noise and was worried the rain had done some damage or something, then realised the cat was snore-purring and all was well.

    Mr Woof successfully kept all intruders out of the house overnight. It is possible that Santa made it into the chimney and gifted the possums who live there with some fruit.

    9 months ago

    A happy Christmas to those of you who celebrate, hugs and care to those for whom it is a tough day, and a nice quiet day to those for whom it’s just another Monday. Take care out there, wet roads and family stress can make it a tough day to drive or travel. Pats to the pets, and watch out that they don’t eat anything they shouldn’t. If you have to work, may your shift be easy and pass quickly, and I hope you’re getting sweet extra cash.

    Here’s a picture of the Ravenna Gorge Christmas Market to enjoy. *removed externally hosted image*

    9 months ago

    Merry Christmas DDT Fam! 🧑🏻‍🎄

    Dragged my sorry self out of bed to haul ass. Didn’t want to be on the road when it really comes down with the rest of Melbourne. Definitely made the right choice.

    Gonna do the sad sappy thing, avert ye eyes if it makes you squick.

    Just thinking about what can be the difficult nature of relationships especially between families/relatives and whatnot.

    The weather obviously doesn’t lend itself to the best of spirits, but if what you have is good, maybe savour it that little more today, if it’s average, maybe if you have it in to lean into patience/kindness a little more.

    And for I suppose the rest we all have our own stories/narratives as others do and we can only control (for lack of a better word) our own little spaces. Protect them if need be and be kind to yourself.


    Have a great day everyone! Stay dry, safe and full!

      9 months ago

      ... Googles "epilator"

      Oh! It's the hair pull-outy thing the girls use. It has a proper name!

      Um, no. Using these is not fun. Causing pain to my wife is like one of my least favourite things on the planet.